chapter twenty-three

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agree to disagree

choi soomin

"so you're just having sex?" kara asks, taking a mouthful of popcorn immediately after.

"yes, really good sex." i nod. the two of us have completely neglected the movie, kara wanting to know all things minho, and i wasn't opposed to talking about him.

"but you like him?" the words coming out muffled through the popcorn.

"that's not the point. the point is the sex." i tell her.

"what if he likes you back though?"

"i don't know that, and i'm not going to ruin the sex to try to find out."

"as much as you want to be a hook-up girly, you and i both know you're a fall-in-love-too-fast girly." she chuckles, taking a sip of her drink to down the remainder of the popcorn.

"it's different with minho." i shake my head.

"okay so... you haven't made a fool out of yourself in front of him? you haven't gotten butterflies over little things?" she challenges.

"i... that's not the point! i'm just having fun." i retort.

"if you say so. care to prove it?" she smirks, and i instantly knew she was scheming.

"how?" i ask cautiously.

"sleep with someone else, without thinking about minho." she wiggles her brows.

"who?" i furrow mine at her.

"anyone, you go to college, i bet there's some willing contenders at some college party." she nudges me with her elbow.

"hm... okay, deal." i shrug.

"and," she starts. "you let me sleep with minho."

"what?" i gasp. "why would you-"

"you're not jealous are you?" she teases.

"no, but-"

"then it's settled. to prove that it doesn't matter, you sleep with someone else, and i'll sleep with minho." i fell silent at her words. i certainly didn't want her sleeping with minho, but what right did i have to tell her she couldn't? i wasn't his girlfriend, it was ultimately his decision.

"o-okay..." i reluctantly agree, taking a handful of popcorn. i was uncomfortable with the whole idea, but she was right. i knew i had feelings for him, and i wasn't the kind of girl to just fuck and forget. i knew i would get attached. so maybe sleeping with someone else will help remind me to not get attached to him. and him sleeping with someone else will help me know that i'm not the only one. i won't feel so special, which is a big part of the reason for my feelings. maybe this was a good idea.


"why is she still here? i thought you said you would get her out." soobin whines as i meet him downstairs. kara still sleeping in my room.

"relax. we just had a sleepover, she has an airbnb in the city."

"an airbnb? how long will she be here?" he pulls a face of disgust.

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