chapter five

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avoid like the plague

choi soomin

"soomin, wake up." a voice faintly echos in my head. "soomin!" i quickly open my eyes, gasping as i sit up, brows furrowing as i take in my surroundings. i ignore the pain in my back from the sleeping position as i look up at soobin.

"why am i sleeping on the door?" i ask, cracking my neck slightly.

"i was hoping you could tell me." soobin chuckles, reaching his hand out for me to take. i grab it, groaning as he pulls me up from the floor. "i thought you were staying at chan's." he states, reaching behind me, gently patting off my back.

"i-" and then everything came flooding back. specifically the part where i kissed minho, and fled from his car like he pulled a gun on me.

"well?" soobin questions.

"i don't wanna talk about it." i shake my head, yawning as i lazily pushed past him, heading upstairs to my room. soobin chuckles, seeming to leave me be for the time being, but i knew he would later ask more questions. i flop onto my bed, unlocking my phone and reading over some unread messages.


minho told me he
took you home last

how'd that go? ;)

i don't even want to
talk about it. -_-

did he say anything?

apart from him
taking you home? no.

okay what about my

what backpack?

the one i brought
over yesterday.

um... did you not take
it with you?

i did, but i left it in minho's

oh. he didn't tell me.

so can you go to
his car and get it for

he's not here.

what do you mean.

i mean... he's not

where is he?

how should i know?

i can't go to school
without my backpack!

i don't know what
you expect me to do???


why did you leave it
in the car anyways?

i don't wanna talk
about it.

did something

i don't wanna talk
about it.

something happened!

i was drunk.

so? what did you do?


tension // lee minhoWhere stories live. Discover now