chapter thirty-five

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back where we left off

choi soomin

"class is in session!" soobin announces, dropping all of his books onto chan's table.

"damn you brought the whole library." chan chuckles.

"soomin said you were struggling." he shrugs.

"i'm not struggling, just behind." he defends, sending me a playful glare. i roll my eyes.

"oh hey guys, study session part two?" minho asks, making his way down the stairs.

"yup." chan nods.

"well you guys have fun, i'll be at the gym." he suddenly makes his way over to me, surprising me as he wraps his arm around my waist, pressing his lips against mine without warning. in front of everyone. "if you guys are staying for dinner i can pick up a pizza?" he offers.

"yeah that'd be nice." chan agrees. both his and soobin's brows slightly furrowed. i was sure my face looked as if i just saw a ghost.

"got it. i'll be back around seven." he states, pressing another kiss to my lips before removing his hand from my waist and casually walking out of the house. once the door closes behind him, both chan and soobin look at me, waiting for me to provide answers.

"what was that?" soobin was the first to voice his thoughts.

"did you guys make it official or something?" chan asks.

"i— no..." i shake my head, still processing everything myself.

"does he know that?" soobin jokes.

"i... i don't know." i couldn't form any other words.

"well you might wanna have a talk with him. that was definitely not fuck buddy behavior." chan laughs. i blink a few times, trying to calm the rapid beating of my heart.

"let's... let's just study..." i shake my head, pulling out a chair as i sat down in front of the mountain of books soobin brought. the two boys share a look before shrugging and sitting down as well. i had no idea what just happened, but i certainly wasn't ready to think about it.


"hello?" i speak, answering the call as i step away from the two boys who were still studying.

"hey, soomin! i was gonna text you, but i'm driving. i didn't interrupt anything, did i?" seungmin asks.

"no, you're fine! what's up?"

"how's your weekend looking?" i suddenly remember our conversation to set up another... date? for the weekend.

"oh! i'm free tomorrow." i tell him.

"awesome! how's dinner?" my eyes widen slightly at his words, remembering what kara said. i suddenly found myself wondering if it was true. was he really planning to take this to the next step? did i want him to take it to the next step?

"dinner? i was hoping we could do lunch again so you could show me another hole-in-the-wall cafe." i say, trying to politely decline dinner, just in case kara was right.

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