chapter thirty-two

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it's all gonna be okay

choi soomin

"and i'm sorry for invalidating your sexuality, that was wrong of me." kara speaks through the phone to soobin. i raise my eyebrows at her, motioning for her to say the rest. i was forcing her to apologize to soobin, finally putting my foot down, not letting her get away with how she'd been treating him any longer. "and i understand that you're just trying to keep soomin safe, i'm sorry for trying to undermine you." she pulls her lips into a thin line.

"and?" soobin's voice comes through the phone, urging her to say more. kara scoffs.

"that's as good as you're going to get." she retorts.

"kara." i warn. she sighs.

"you're a good brother..." she mumbles.

"what was that?" soobin asks. she bites her lip in annoyance.

"i said you're a good brother." she speaks more clearly this time.

"apology accepted. i still don't like you though." i roll my eyes at soobin's words.

"the feeling is mutual." kara sneers.

"okay," i start, taking the phone from her, taking it off speaker as i raise it to my ear. "i'll see you later, soobin." we quickly bid each other goodbye before i hang up the phone. "was that so hard?" i speak to kara.

"yes actually." she groans. i chuckle at her. "so are you and minho a thing or have you just been hanging out with a mosquito?" she asks, pointing to the handful of hickeys littering my collar bone. they were fully on display due to the low cut shirt i wore today.

"we're just sleeping together. actually, i wanted to tell you something..."

"what's up?" she asks, taking a sip of her coffee.

"i think i have a date with seungmin."

"the guy from the party? damn, i'm such a match maker." she teases, referring to how she practically introduced us. "might want to cover those up before the date though." she adds.

"apparently." i laugh. "but he's a lot different from minho."

"well that's good. you're not looking for another hook-up."

"right, but i don't know if he makes me feel the same way as minho." i try to explain.

"right, you still like minho." she concludes. "maybe you just have to give it time. like after your date, you'll like how he treats you versus how minho treats you."

"that's the thing, minho has been treating me different recently. like... our hook-ups are getting a little... casual." i trail off, unsure of how else to describe it.

"give me an example."

"like... a couple of nights ago, we cuddled after sex and i stayed the night. when i woke up, i was still in his arms, and then he gave me his clothes to wear since he like, ripped my bra and panties in half, and kissed me."

"wait, he ripped your bra and panties? the pink set? that was a nice set!" she drops her jaw.

"that's not the point." i giggle, shoving her lightly.

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