chapter twenty-six

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jumping to conclusions

sorry btw i had to make you guys think the triple update wasn't coming cause i love the chaos <33
ANYWAYSSS— enjoy babes ;))

choi soomin

i frantically bang on the front door, probably getting an insane look from soobin who was walking up behind me.

"hey, hey, hey, calm down." soobin grabs my fist, pulling it away from the door. before i could attempt to knock again, the door opens, chan furrowing his brows.

"hey? what's with the banging?" he asks, looking between the two of us.

"where is minho?" i ignore his question.

"in his room..." he answers, looking over to soobin for an explanation. but he only shrugs.

"can i come in?" i ask, trying to not be rude, but he was taking too much time.

"sure, i-" i don't stick around to hear the rest of the sentence, practically running to the stairs, frantically climbing them and heading towards minho's room. his door was shut, causing my heart to drop. i don't even think to knock, going straight for the doorknob, only it doesn't open. his door was locked. fuck. i quickly knock on the door a few times, pressing my ear against the wood, trying to see if i could hear anything.

"minho?" i call out, knocking again after a few seconds.

"one second." he responds, followed by a faint fumbling sound and a few footsteps. i couldn't tell if there was more than one person in there. my heart was racing, jealousy bubbling inside of me. kara was hot, and minho was using me for sex, what's to say he wouldn't do the same with kara? i hear the lock click on the door, and i had to fight myself from opening the door before he did.

the door opened, revealing minho, his hair slightly messy, wearing a wrinkled white shirt, paired with a pair of black shorts. i couldn't tell if he just woke up, or if he had been just about to have sex with a certain sly blonde girl.

"can i come in?" i ask, trying to peer over his shoulder into the room, looking for any sign of kara.

"sure." he steps to the side. i instantly enter the room, my eyes darting around. the bed was unmade, his bathroom door was open, the light off, seemingly empty. his closet door was closed. would i look crazy if i opened it? probably. "what's with the outfit?" he asks, i could feel his eyes gazing at my body.

"was there a girl in here?" i ask. shit. i probably sound insane.

"huh?" he furrows his brows.

"i... i mean... what have you been up to?" i ask, trying to sound less crazy and jealous.

"um... i was about to sleep." he shrugs.

"i mean before that."

"i had dinner."

"um... before that?" i ask. had she really not come here?

"i was at the gym."

"so there wasn't a girl in here?" i ask, mentally groaning as i started to sound crazy once again.

tension // lee minho ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ