chapter nine

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desire builds upon itself

choi soomin

"the light is turning red." i tell minho, waiting for him to slow down for the upcoming red light.

"i see that." his voice laced with slight annoyance.

"are you going to stop?"

"obviously." he groans. i made it a point to annoy him, given that he insisted on taking me home, leaving me with virtually no choice. luckily, it was working.

"i'm just making sure." i reply, feigning defensiveness.

"well, you can stop being a backseat driver." he states.

"i'm actually in the passenger seat-"

"soomin." his tone warning. i couldn't help but giggle slightly. "i know you're doing this on purpose." i gasp dramatically.

"what? i would never! i can't believe you would assume such a thing." minho shakes his head, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. the whole situation feeling very domestic. a vast contrast to our usual tense interactions.

"what's bothering you so much?" he suddenly questions.

"i'm not bothered." i tell him.

"you are. i can tell." he insists.

"what? did you check out a book on soomin-ology? i said i'm not bothered." i retort, crossing my arms over my chest. minho laughs.

"is it because i kissed lia?" he continues to press despite my words.

"i don't care who you kiss. just try to not kiss my brothers girlfriend."

"i didn't know." he defends.

"well now you do, so don't do it again." i lecture.

"yes ma'am." his tone sending shivers down my spine. why was that so hot? "so who can i kiss?" he asks. i scoff.

"that's none of my business. kiss a rock for all i care."

"why are you so bothered?" he asks again.

"i said i'm not." i raise my eyebrows at him in annoyance.

"fine." he shrugs. awkward silence enveloping the two of us.

"what did you mean when you said 'that's a shame.'?" i ask, unable to stand the unbearable silence.

"hm?" he hums, his eyes fixed on the road.

"in the bathroom, you told me 'that's a shame.' after i told you i wouldn't kiss you again." i elaborate.

"i don't know what you're talking about." he glances at me for a moment, brows furrowed.

"you— what do you mean? it happened like an hour ago." i squint my eyes at him.

"did it? i'm not sure i recall." and that's when i heard the sarcasm in his voice.

"why are you suddenly an ass? you were so sweet last night." i pout.

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