✨Chapter 15✨

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Torture content

Jk was in the basement room. He was torturing Louis very badly he was using everything. He whipped Louis more than 50 times, takes her nails, toes and teeth he even give him poison that will kill him in 30 mins he could give him poison which immediately will kill him but he want to torture him and more than torturing him he wanted to send him from this world as he can't risk that Louis do that again.

Louis begged Very much as he will not come he will leave the royal palace as he will never see her but he tortured him. All the guards were trembling from fear.Suddenly Jin enter and take pulled him by his T-shirt and punched him. Jk frowned he looked up but again he punched him. The guards were all shocked they came to rescue jk but jk gesture them to not interfere.

Jk never fought with Jin and so jin. It was their first time. Jk was feeling the pain and blood were oozing from his nose his cheeks forehead was wounded. He can feel pain after all he don't have his original being. After some punches and kick which Jin did to jk face and stomach. He sat on jk and take him by his collar.

Jin: how dare you to give yn that locket? How dare you? She is my sister I will decide what is good and bad for her. I told you that don't go after her but still you did.

Jk: she is my mate and about deciding she isn't kid she know what's right what's not so you don't need to decide for her she knows what she do and she can do what she want.

Jin: so what? Even if she knows what to do I will not let her to be with you.

Jk: do you hate she being my mate or you hate me being with her.

Jin didn't said anything.

Jk: what do you think if you were in my place? Will you give up that easily for someone you waited your all life's? Will you give up that easily for someone your life meant? Just what the fuck do you think? You already know all werewolves life is just their mate. They all live their all life and years just for what It's all for their mate. The one they love, for one they will die, for the one they will do anything is just for their mate. others wait for their mates when they find em they will live happily. Hyung what about me my mate is human I lived my life without her while finding her when I find her and find out that she is human. Do you think it's easy? I wait everyday when she is going to leave me alone. Do you think it's easy? If you mind those 3 so called my wife's, weren't you the one who told me to marry them weren't you the one that told me to give up about my mate and live your life she will not come?

When n jk told them everything he loosened the grip of the his collar and stand up and so jk. Jin turned his back and went but stopped at the door.

Jin: don't hurt her.

He said lowly but jk heard it And then he went out. Jk became happy even after getting beaten up by him. He looked behind and saw Louis was already dead. He sighed and ordered them to burn him.

After that he went towards Ara's Rom he slowly opened the door and entered after that he closed the door. And went towards bed when he reach there saw that yn and Ara is sleeping while hugging each other he looked at both of them lovingly he tilted his head and kissed Ara's forehead which she snuggled even more in yns hold.

After that he slowly kissed yns forehead and then give a small peck to her lips. Yn feel something and opened her eyes barely jk went back when yn looked at him she suddenly Broke the hug and Ara waked up too.

Ara: mom what is it?

Yn looked at her and gasped cuz she broke her princess beauty sleep she took her in her arms and made her lay her head in her shoulder and yn bowed a bit cuz Ara was in her hold.

Yn: I am sorry your majesty.

Jk: it's ok

When Ara heard it she looked up and saw there was her father she opened her one arms gestured jk to hug her. He came and hug her but Ara being Ara she didn't leave yn but hugged both of them and their bodies pressed to each other she was going to break the hug but jk nodded at her that it's ok.

Yn didn't break the hug but she wasn't relaxed after sometimes Ara broke the hug.

Yn: my king you are injured.

Ara: what? Dad are you ok?

Jk: it's nothing, don't worry princess you should also not worry ok? Dad is fine. Did you forget that your dad is strong?

Ara: I know you are strong but....

Before she could complete what she was going to say she fainted in yns body. Yn gasped jk also, they both become worried.

Yn went and lay her in the bed and cupped her cheeks and stroked her hair. Jk went to guards and ordered to bring the physician and then he came back.

Yn: A-Ara plz wake up

Yn was crying. Ara even had fever by now. Jk came and take yn in his arms.

Jk: don't worry she will be ok. She fainted cuz of seeing my blood.

Jk was feeling guilty he thought that you are deep sleeper and he already know that Ara was a deep sleeper so he thought that he will see you guys once and then he will go out before you guys see him.

Physician came and bowed to jk. Physician checked Ara.

Physician: your majesty as you Already know that princess have hemophobia so she fainted nothing to be worried about she will become ok. And about her fever I will write a prescription for her and make sure to give her in time.

Yn and jk became relieved and physician wrote a prescription and give it to yn which yn took it and went out hurriedly to make it.

And then the physician excused himself. Jk sat in the edge of the bed And caressed her head then he ordered the guards to bring cold water with cloth.

After sometimes yn come with a tray and I stood up from the bed and nodded towards her and she sat and make Ara sit in the bed and made Ara lean on her shoulders. Now yn was supporting the back of Ara's with her hand and with another hand she took a spoon full of medicine and gently feed her.

After the medicine finished she made Ara lay on the bed and jk wetted the cloth and placed it in Ara's forehead.

.^~^.  .^~^.  .^~^.  .^~^.  .^~^.  .^~^.  .^~^. 

Hey guys
Hope y'all are fine and liked this chapter...
Guyyssss I don't need to delete my account and make another. I diddddd it guyyssss

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