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Izuku looked at the door of the school councilor, and sighed, then knocked. The teacher in questioned, "Ah Izuku, Nezu mentioned that you agreed to a session, please come in."

Izuku was in his Zabuza garbs has he continued into the room, finding it rather inviting. All the Seven Swords were sealed in his scroll, so he didn't have any his signature swords on his back. He sat down in a chair, watching Hound Dog sit at his desk.

Hound Dog started with, "Many other teachers, when they found out you would come mentioned you would zone out at times. Can you tell me why?"

Izuku sighed, "This doesn't leave this room... I have been getting memory flashes of the past, some of them good, some not that well received in this world."

Hound Dog nodded, "Start with the easiest memory flash to talk about."

Izuku leaned back in the chair, "It was after training.... Kisame, a man with shark features and the previous wielder of Samehada, decided that he'd treat me to noodles...."

As Izuku explained the memory flashes, Hound Dog nodded, talking notes anytime he choked up.... Though the Green Death of the Mist decided to continue.


After Izuku finished the session, Hound Dog nodded, "And you say Hebi reminds you of Haku?"

Izuku nodded, "She's soft spoken, but ready to attack when needed.... Though I think she's ready for anything, barring trying to take Samehada"

Hound Dog nodded, "If I recall the sword is picky on who wields it, do you know why?"

Izuku chuckled a bit, "No one really knows why, only that he's notoriously picky"

Hound Dog nodded and opened the door for him, "Thank your Zabuza, this was very enlightening"

Izuku nodded before leaving to check on his newest students....


Hebi was able to get them to unlock their chakra and was teaching them the Shadow Clone Jutsu, making Izuku smile gently as he jumped down and look around. He noted a few people and smiled, "Hebi, thoughts on the new Shinobi?"

Hebi nodded, "While they are weak, they have potential... Are going to check on the other schools?"

Izuku hummed in thought, "Not yet.... I'll give them time to be established before I go in"

Hebi nodded, "I understand. Now then, want to show these Genin how we spar?"

Izuku chuckled, "I'll make it fair on you..." He summoned a water clone which presented Hebi with the very blades she had been allowed to use during the camping trip. To which she bowed, "I will do my best Zabuza-Sensei"

Izuku smiled, drawing out Kubikiribōchō, "We shall see.... Hebi Mirai"

Before the two launched at each other, Izuku looked to the students, "Pay close attention Genin of UA"

The nodded as the fight began, with Hebi channeling her chakra into the blades, trying to cut into Kubikiribōchō as Izuku blocked and smiled, "You've taken to reading what I wrote about the swords." It sounded like a question, but Hebi knew it wasn't. Soon the blades were forced to the side, allowing Izuku to swing with a kunai. However Hebi blocked with one of the blades. Izuku then swung the massive blade towards one of Hebi's legs, forcing her to jump to dodge the dismembering strike. Izuku grabbed her lengthened out leg and threw her into the ground, putting Kubikiribōchō to her face.

Izuku smiled widely, "Now.... Do you yield?" Hebi's response was to drop the blades of Kiba, nodding her head. Izuku helped her up and smiled, "Now Genin! What could Hebi have done to prevent my attacks? All suggestions will be considered"

One raised his hand, Izuku was quick to remember his name, "Yes Natsuchi Kobo?"

Kobo responded, "Shouldn't she have used a clone to distract you? Thus confusing you and allowing her to get in the strike range?"

A few chuckled at such a simple solution to the fight they saw, only to stop when Zabuza glared at them, he turned to Kobo, "Indeed! We were only using pure strength and our weapons ability to let you think of something like that."

Kobo bowed, "Thank you Zabuza-Sensei"

Izuku soon nodded to Hebi, "You've taught many well, But I think Natsuchi Kobo will be one of the greater ones... Keep Kiba, learn to use them"

Hebi bowed, "Thank you Sensei"

Izuku turned his gaze to the others, "Make no mistake, I am not disappointed, just worried your power will go to your head. Do not become like those that bullied you"

The entire class nodded, "Yes Zabuza-Sensei!"

A/N: Sorry for the late update, had a writer's block for this story T-T

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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