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Izuku was walking through the halls and saw Shinso, "You come here"

Shinso hesitated, but walked forward, "You want to be a hero... I think you should train your body, if you think whatever quirk you have is enough, then you're delusional. If you need physical training I'll help"

Shinso was out of but nodded, "I-I'll think about it Zabuza-sensei"

Izuku nodded and walked past him to be confronted by All Might, "You should relax on your training!"

Izuku laughed, "You want me to go easier on them? No, I want them to be ready for the harshness of this world"

All Might growled, "By that torture you can training!?"

Izuku looked to him, "Would you rather them be unprepared and killed in the line of duty?"

All Might gritted his teeth, "I'd rather them not be in danger!"

"So you want them to give up on their dreams of being a hero!?" He lifted his hand to the handle of Kubikiribōchō, "Like I said before: you're no hero if you think that"

All Might growled, clenching his fist, "Your training them to kill"

"I teach them what they need to know. But if you want to stop me from teaching, you'll have to kill me"

All Might was about to buff up until Aizawa and Nezu interrupted, "Toshinori, ENOUGH!"

All Might looked to Nezu shocked, "But Nezu!"

"No! I told him he could run the class as he sees fit"

Izuku bowed, "Thank you Principal Nezu" he then went off and stopped, "Next time All Might, they might not be here to save you"

They watched him leave before Nezu turned to All Might, "Do NOT antagonize Zabuza, he's shown that he is more powerful than us"

Aizawa added, "Not to mention he plans how to kill everyone he meets with minimal danger to himself"

All Might sighed, "It's just he's pushing those kids too far..."

Nezu shook his head, "He's preparing them for the world that will not accept them easily"

All Might nodded, "I'll stop... But still-"

Nezu held his paw up, "No buts, he is a teacher here and that's final"

All Might sighed, "I just wish he'd open to us"


Izuku chuckled as he looked at his students' files, "They have potential, I just hope I can mold them right...."

Samehada shivered and growled from Izuku's back, "Don't worry so much Samehada, I think I know the perfect target for you to feast on"

Samehada purred as Izuku stood up and body flickered to a random alleyway. There were several villains who saw the sword and chuckled, "I think that sword would fetch a pretty penny"

Izuku chuckled darkly and drew Samehada, "Want to try your luck?"

The villains all charged at him. Izuku dodged a punch and shredded the villains with ease, as Samehada purred in delight as he pointed at the last villain, "Now any last words?"

The villains looked to him, "Please.... Mercy!"

Izuku chuckled, "Tell me about the Hero Killer Stain. Now"

The villain shivered, "I don't know I swear!"

Izuku sighed, "Well that's to bad...." Then he shredded the villain as he screamed in pain...


As the teachers were talking about the UA Sports Festival, Izuku spoke up, "My class isn't attending"

The other teachers were shocked, Vlad King asked, "And why not?"

Izuku rolled his eyes, "It's a waste of my students' time, they're not meant to be in the spotlight regardless, my Shinobi Corp are meant to be silent, efficient, and unpredicted. The Sports Festival will make them lose their edge"

Nezu nodded, "I guess that is your choice, however what will they do? They're already on par with many heroes"

Izuku thought for a moment, "They're going into internships. So they can get a feel for combat in the field"

Nezu nodded, "I'm guessing with underground heroes?"

Izuku nodded, "And they will report to me on any findings they find... Mirai will be the only one to go with a spotlight hero, Ilda's brother, I called in a favor to aid him"

The teachers all nodded, with Nezu agreeing, "Very well"

Izuku removed his mask, "I guess you've earned the privilege of seeing my face"

They all looked shocked, "You're the same age as our students!"

Izuku glared, "I have fought in wars, don't you dare compare me to your kids"

They stopped seeing that glare, and nodded. Izuku then added, "And I ordered Hebi to keep tabs on Ingenium, I know he's after the Hero Killer."

All Might did stood up, "You would send a student to fight the Hero Killer!?"

Izuku scoffed, "No, if they encounter him she will send for me to join the fray and end the menace for good"

They were stunned but nodded. Izuku then added, "And should I mention that my students are almost ready for the final exam"

They sighed, knowing he was right, "And what will the final exam be?"

Izuku smirked, "They'll battle three of my Water Clones, if they can defeat or capture my clones alone they pass"

Nezu then asked, "If they fail?"

Izuku smiled, "They'll join the class again and I'll push them harder"

They nodded, Izuku then added, "Should they fail again, I'll kick them out with enough training and money to get a job"

They nodded and soon moved on to the Sports Festival games.


She was practicing her shiriken target training when she suddenly threw a few behind her, "Reveal yourself!"

Izuku had caught the flying blades and chuckled, "Not many can sense me"

Hebi bowed, "Sorry Zabuza-sensei!"

Izuku laughed, "Don't be sorry, be glad you sensed me. Gather the others, I have an announcement"

Hebi bowed, "Hai" she then gathered the others and went to homeroom

Izuku waited and looked to the door as his students filed in. Izuku nodded, "Good, now I want to know what you think of the UA Sports Festival?"

They all scoffed, with Hebi answering, "It's a waste, they reveal strength for sure, but also weaknesses. It's like they want to be attacked again"

Izuku smiled, "Good, your all going to be interning with underground heroes, except you Hebi. I have a special assignment for you, understand!?"

They all nodded, Izuku nodded, "Good, you're dismissed except you Hebi"

As they all left Hebi looked to Izuku, "What is my assignment sensei?"

Izuku nodded, "I want you to intern with the Engine Hero: Ingenium. He's after the Hero Killer: Stain. I want you to shadow him, if he encounters Stain alert me immediately, understood? Do NOT engage! You're to alert me, understood?"

Hebi nodded, "Yes sensei... Do you not think I'm not ready?" She seemed hesitant.

Izuku shook his head, "It's not that. It's I want to deal with him myself, understood?"

Hebi bowed before going to leave.

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