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--AT UA--

The police gathered up remains of the villains and the Nomu for investigation. All Might deflated into Skinny Might while looking at his bloodstained hands, 'That sword is something else…'

Bakugo hummed in thought from the dull green orbs he saw through the bandages, something about them were.... Familiar....

He was brought out of his thoughts by a redhead, "Hey Bakubro, you okay?"

Bakugo nodded, "I'm fine..."

They were questioned by police, and the villains that survived were taken in.


The detective started speaking after the conversation about League of Villains' leader, "Based on the villains they've never heard of Zabuza... But they're terrified of him and his sword..."

All Might then added, "It seemed sentient, when I tried to hold it, it produced spikes to make me let go... It then made movements to get back to Zabuza..."

Aizawa then added, "It also negated the Nomu's regenerating ability... That sword is probably something he made... But we know nothing about this 'Zabuza'. For all we know he's just a villain that sought to not lose his great rival. He looked about the age of my students"

Nezu hummed, "I think the dorm system would be best if we upgrade security on it. A warp villain is most dangerous"

Everyone agreed, the detective left with a bow.

Nezu questioned, "So... What happened leading to the arrival of Zabuza?"

Aizawa answered, "Kaminari used his quirk on the warp villain Kurogiri... And even Kurogiri noted that he seemed familiar"

Nezu sipped his tea, "Is it possible today the electric nature of Young Kaminari's quirk lead to instability of the warp quirk?"

Everyone looked to him confused, 13 nodded, "I believe it's possible... After all even Zabuza looked confused being at the USJ."

Nezu clapped his hands together, "Then perhaps we have an opportunity here, to gain an ally"

All Might spoke in protest, "You can't be serious Nezu!"

Next nodded, "Indeed I am. If what we assume is true Zabuza is not of this world, or at least hasn't been for many years"

Vlad King nodded, "He needs to be reintroduced into society, as heroes it's our job all are safe"

They agreed to find and help this new person...


Izuku was walking around thinking on what to do, "I'm home... But is this really my home? I haven't been here for seven years. I've fought for the place that taught me to fight..."

He suddenly stopped and looked to the forest edge, "Come out, I know you're there Eraserhead"

Eraserhead walked out from behind a tree, "How'd you know I was there?"

Not wanting to tell him the truth Izuku replied with a partial truth, "I could hear your breathing, you're not as stealthy as you think"

Eraser's eyes narrowed, "Where are you from? We at UA came up with a theory you're not from here"

Izuku smirked, "I am from here... Just been gone"

Eraser nodded, "And where have you been?"

From his back, Izuku pulled out his main mentor's sword, Kubikiribōchō, "Best me in battle and i just might trust you enough to tell you"

Eraser quickly jumped back, muttering, "New sword..."

Izuku pointed the massive blade at him, "I know your quirk, when I lived in this world seven years ago I kept notes on all you heroes and villains I'd seen... But you'll find you're useless to me"

Eraser threw his scarf at Izuku, who just sliced through it with Kubikiribōchō, "you're weak"

Then Eraser drew a gun, making Izuku jump back and do hand signs, "Water Style: Hidden Mist Jitsu!"

Suddenly Eraser and the surrounding areas were covered in a thick mist. Izuku chuckled, his voice echoing in the mist, "Can't see? Too bad, this fight is over"

Eraser was suddenly kicked, he looked up to see Kubikiribōchō in his face, "You are just a weakling.... However killing you would be a mistake to the natural order of things.... Now why did you seek me out. No lies or Kubikiribōchō will live up to its name"

Eraser sighed, "I've gotten rusty... But to answer you we've been searching to bring you to UA College and learn to integrate you into society safely"

Izuku narrowed his eyes, then removed his blade and put it on his back. "No lies and stating the obvious... I guess I could come with you... But I'm not joining your little school for no good reason" he held his hands together and the mist faded.

Eraser was stunned but got up, "Let's go.." Izuku nodded, sealing Kubikiribōchō in the scroll, and followed him back to UA.

Soon All Might and Nezu were in sight. All Might's smile was strained seeing the young Shinobi, "Eraser you found him"

Eraser nodded, "He had a new sword... A big cleaver he called Kubikiribōchō."

Izuku smiled, "My main mentor's weapon, and it does its job well"

Nezu hummed, "Perhaps you'd prefer going inside?"

Izuku nodded, heading in the building, looking around, "Nice academy you got here... Nothing like the Hidden Mist's... Then again...."

Nezu looked to him from Eraser's shoulder, "Hidden Mist?"

Soon they were with the other teachers, and Present Mic yelled out, "YOU FOUND HIM!?"

Izuku threw a kunai, hitting his speaker in his neck, "You're too loud" Present Mic froze from the attack, the other teachers suddenly tensed up.

Izuku looked to them, "He is annoying but alive"

They just relaxed a little bit, "Good you're all still wary of me"

All Might gritted his teeth, "You take joy in others fear!?"

Izuku looked to him, "Sorry Skinny Might, but that's how I was trained"

He raised an eyebrow, "Skinny Might?"

Izuku smirked and added, "That muscle form takes a lot of energy, no?"

Everyone was shocked and All Might debuffed, "How did you know?"

Izuku shrugged, "I've seen you like that before, seven years ago"

All Might growled, "Who are you?"

Izuku pulled up his mask more, "I'm just a quirkless nobody"

Aizawa asked, "Then how'd you make that mist?"

Izuku smiled, "I've learned to harness my chakra in it's purest form, however I learned your quirks are impure chakra, meaning your erasure quirk can't affect me"

Everyone froze, Nezu asked, "Can you teach this pure chakra?"

Izuku looked to him, "Not to anyone with a quirk... But let's say I did, what's in it for me?"

Nezu hummed gently, "If you teach your pure chakra, I'll grant you immunity for killing those villains. I'll pay you as a teacher, and let you run the class as you see fit"

Izuku narrowed his eyes, "Not that bright are you? You know nothing about how I was taught, or the destructive nature of pure chakra. But I'll accept it if I get to continue killing as I see fit"

Before All Might could protest, Nezu nodded, "I accept your terms! This will be fun" he started cackling like the mad rodent he is.

Izuku shook hands with Nezu, sealing the fates of many quirkless hero hopefuls

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