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Izuku was getting slightly aggravated at his co-workers student, "Aizawa.... Get Bakugo away from my class"

Aizawa sighed, "What's that problem child doing now?"

Izuku glared, "Trying to keep me from teaching and interrupting my lessons... Get him under control, or I will."

Aizawa nodded, "I'll speak to him about it."

Izuku nodded and looked at the time and Body Flickered to my classroom to find....

"Nerd go home, Aunty misses you"

Izuku glared him down, "Go to your homeroom Bakugo Katsuki. This is for Class 1-Z only."

Bakugo glared, "Not until you agree to see your mom, Izuku."

Izuku glared down, "I promise nothing to a woman who saw my dream as unobtainable as you becoming a villain"

Bakugo growled, "Just visit her! She's been crying from thinking you died!"

Izuku kept his glare, "The boy she knew died... I'm what's left. Now stand down"

Before the argument could continue Aizawa used his scarf grabbed Bakugo and dragged him off, "Sorry again Zabuza.."

Zabuza nodded and entered, "Now I want to make one thing perfectly clear... Your exams are coming up, you pass, I'll have Nezu make something for you to incorporate into your Shinobi outfits. And I've already stated that your Shinobi outfits are up to you entirely. But the headband is to show you come from UA.... When we gather enough forces and you get my permission I'll see that at least two of you will become leaders of your own Shinobi schools... But never forget who we serve. The public... If I hear even rumors of you attacking another academy I'll make you realize just how deadly I can be.... AM I CLEAR!?"

The Shinobi all yelled out, "Hai Zabuza-sensei!"

He then looked them over, "Now I want you to train your body for the final exams. You'll complete it after we come back from the training camp, understood?"

The pupil Shinobi all bowed, "Yes Zabuza-sensei!"

Izuku then nodded, "Class dismissed..."


Dabi looked at his phone, seeing the message he'd been waiting for.

Z: UA traitor discovered, continue your info gathering, delete all messages after reading.

Davi nodded and deleted the message before meeting with Toga, nodding to her.

Toga kicked her feet waiting for Shigaraki and the new villains of their so-called "Vanguard Action Squad"


She was practicing on her targets, her eyes narrowed before looking at the senbon needles in her hands, "These feel like I was made for them"

Izuku chuckled, "Because your style is to be super accurate and precise. Making those needles the ideal ranged weapons. Now class rep"

Hebi looked to him, "Yes sensei?"

Izuku stated, "How's the rest of the class?"

She thought for a moment, "They seem to be doing well, and even the bottom of the class is loving your lessons"

Izuku nodded, "Continue your training." He then went to other students, checking in on them to see how they were doing.


As classes A and Z were traveling Tsu looked to Hebi, "I speak what's in my mind, isn't your training a bit brutal? Kero"

Hebi smiled, "That's because you're not used to it. Zabuza-sensei makes it clear that our training is to make us the best... We aren't to be normal heroes, but Shinobi. While you'll take credit for some of our work, we will be self sufficient and be able to take in threats you couldn't"

Bakugo hummed gently, trying to think of how to bring the Nerd back.

Hebi was cleaning her nails with a kunai. Izuku kept his eyes on Yuga, who looked back and nodded. Aizawa noticed this and looked to Izuku, "Why did you let him live?"

Izuku looked to the teacher of 1-A, "Simple, he didn't lie about wanting to be a hero. He was forced to have his quirk and then blackmailed into being the traitor"

Aizawa nodded, "I trust your judgement"

Izuku nodded before looking to the forest, "Our stop is coming up"

Aizawa nodded as the bus stopped, "Get off."

Izuku's Shinobi obeyed without complaint, unlike Class 1-A. Aizawa grumbled, "Zabuza how are your students the way they are?"

Izuku smiled, "My training is harsher than simply walking a bit." Aizawa sighed a bit as he explained they were still a ways away.... The Wild Wild Pussycats arrived and launched the students into the forest.

Izuku got on the bus, "Let's go, my Shinobi will be at the camp soon"

Ragdoll was confused until Aizawa just followed. She stated, "You have great confidence in your Shinobi..."

Izuku smiled, "I trained them to be the best, no quirk can match them together"

She seemed to accept this... More so when they got to the cabin to see all the Shinobi waiting for them. Hebi chuckled, "What took you so long Zabuza-sensei?"

Izuku chuckled, "Sorry my class, the WWP didn't think you'd make it here so quickly"

Hebi stuck her tongue out gently to the hero group, "Looks like you were wrong"

Izuku smiled remembering the few times in the other world when Kisame would play a prank on him.


Izuku was training with Kisame when he stopped, "Say... I wonder if you'd like to eat some food?"

Izuku nodded, "Yeah I could go for some ramen, Sharky"

Kisame laughed at this and pulled out a couple of noodle cups. As they are Izuku's face turned red and he blew fire from his mouth. Only for Kisame to laugh, "That was for the Sharky comment"

He then handed him another noodle cup, this once was a normal one.

The scene then changed to them fighting... Their last dual. Izuku wielding Kubikiribōchō. The two were trading attacks. Kisame jumped back, "You've gotten better..."

Izuku nodded, "As have you... But I'll be taking Samehada back from you." He lunged forward with Kubikiribōchō close to his body to not telegraph his next attack. Kisame readied himself, only for Izuku to change into using Kiba, slashing through both Kisame's stomach and his chest.

As he sealed Kiba back into the scroll Kisame chuckled, "Heh... I got sloppy... Forgot you mastered all the Swords of the Mist... Not just Kubikiribōchō..." He then coughed some blood, "Thank you Izuku... For granting me a death worthy of a Swordsman of the Mist.... I relinquish Samehada back to you..."

He then fell as Izuku picked up the shark sword, "I'm sorry Samehada... But it has to be done"


Izuku was brought back to reality by Aizawa, "You okay Zabuza? You looked like you were remembering something"

Izuku blinked away tears, "Nothing important... Just something from the past"

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