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Soon class 1-A noticed many more student and were confused at seeing them. Bakugo noticed first, walking up to them, "Why are you guys here?"

One answered, "Were part of class 1-Z a new class for the hero course... Designed for the quirkless."

His eyes widened a bit, 'If only this was available when Izuku was around...'

Ilda then tried to deter them, "I find your lies to be unbecoming of heroes, you should all go to your real schools!"

Izuku stepped up, in his Zabuza garbs, "Ilda Tenya! You will not disrespect your fellow school mates. Regardless of their quirkless status!" Class 1-A was stunned to see him.

Bakugo glared, "And why do you care Zabuza!?"

Izuku looked to him, "That's Zabuza-sensei to you Bakugo Katsuki! I'm the newest UA teacher."

This stunned class 1-A even more as Nezu stepped forward, "Yes as you can see Zabuza here is the teacher for the future quirkless heroes. Treat him with the same respect as Aizawa."

Class 1-A nodded with a bow, Izuku then looked to his new class, "Make no mistake class 1-Z! I will break you, some of you may not survive to do the graduation exam. And those that do may not survive my graduation exam... This will be your only chance to leave with your body and mind intact!"

None moved away making Izuku smile, "Good, no cowards!"

Class 1-A soon were to watch 1-Z's training.

Izuku walked in front of his 20 students, "First we must unlock your chakra, for that you will meditate"

As class 1-Z began mediation one student unlocked their chakra, leading Izuku to pick them out, "Name"

The student bowed, "My name is Hebi Mirai, Zabuza-sensei"

Izuku then nodded, "We'll start with you succeeding in unlocking your chakra" he turned to the others, "Watch while meditating" they all chorused, "Yes Zabuza-sensei!"

Izuku nodded, "Now I'll text you basic Jutsus, I'll start with the Body Flicker. So the hand seals while channeling your chakra"

As Hebi nodded and she copied his movements before transporting behind Izuku with a puff of smoke. Making Izuku smile, "Good, now how many others feel stronger?"

Many lifted their hands, leaving only one, Izuku walked to him, "Let me see you" The student looked confused and nervous before Zabuza sighed, then roared, "NEZU!"

The chimera looked worried, "Yes Zabuza?" Only to be met with Kubikiribōchō at his face and eyes glaring down at him, "I warned you those with quirks can't unlock pure chakra. Yet you send this boy, who has a quirk before me... Explain"

Nezu sighed, "I thought you were just wanting quirkless in your class, I didn't think you were serious"

Izuku growled, "Pure chakra is dangerous to unlock in quirked individuals. As dangerous as it is difficult.... If he continued he could have died!"

Nezu nodded, "Very well, I'm sorry Shinso, go back to general studies"

The purple haired boy nodded and left.

Izuku sighed, "The rest of you have potential to be great warriors. I'm not training you in just heroics, I'll be teaching you the darker side of the world! When I'm done you will not hesitate! You will not fear anything but me!"

The students shifted a bit, Izuku smirked, "Now then I'm jumping in straight to combat"


Class 1-Z were training against each other, with Hebi training directly under Izuku.

Nezu watched the brutal training with interest. All Might growled, "He's torturing them!" Nezu responded, "He's showing them how hard being a quirkless hero is...."

All Might countered, "He's not showing mercy!"

Nezu shot back, "And villains will? Face it All Might, his class is the best hope we have against villains we can't contain"

All Might was stunned, "You want them, these kids, to kill villains?" Nezu spoke, "Only those too dangerous to let live... Like AFO."

All Might growled at the mention of his arch nemesis, "These students will never be able to kill AFO"

Izuku rested Samehada on All Might's shoulder, forcing him into Skinny Might, "Careful Toshinori, you'll piss me off."

Skinny Might glared at him, "You're training killers!"

Izuku glared back, "Be glad my final exam will be nothing like the one I endured"

All Might scoffed, "How bad could've your exam be?"

Izuku smirked, "I won't pit them in death battles against each other.... I had to kill my whole homeroom to pass... Course I didn't stop there when everyone claimed it was just dumb luck"

All Might stepped back, "You killed everyone?" Izuku nodded, "Indeed"

Before anything could happen, Izuku froze and smirked, "Good work Hebi!"

He jumped down and they saw another Zabuza tied up in a string, "You defeated my Water Clone... Now then what would you do if this were a villain?"

Hebi bowed, "I'd call authorities, if he were to escape before them I am to execute for he would be deemed to dangerous for the general public"

Izuku smiled, "Good work, relax a bit. I'm not going to push you since this is just the first fawk fight." She bowed and sat down

The other students soon finished, Izuku clapped his hands, "Next round!"

Hebi then joined into the combat as Izuku watched, as he did he got a memory of his first kill....


Izuku was training with a kunai when he was ambushed by a sound ninja. He kept his kunai close, "Why are you in the Mist?"

The sound ninja smirked, "My Master bids you to join him"

Izuku simply did the hand seals for Hidden Mist Jutsu and the mist was dense. As the sound ninja tried to run Izuku pierced his knee, making him fall, "Who is you Master?"

The sound ninja spit at the sound, only to receive a shiriken in his hand, "Answer or let this continue..."

The sound ninja broke after three hours, "Orochimaru! My master is Orochimaru!"

Izuku put his foot on the ninja's back, "So he wants me to join him? Not happening, I won't be his little lab rat" before the Sound Nin could beg his throat was slit....


He blinked the memory to see his pupil Hebi on top, he smiled, "Good work, all of you. You're homework is to practice the Clone Jutsu"

They all bowed, "Hai sensei!"

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