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(A/n: UA is a college and at this time their still only in 1st year of middle school)

Deku.... That's all he was called now days... Useless.... He hated it. Then All Might crushed his dreams not once, but twice! After saving his own bully Bakugo Katsuki from the slime villain, All Might would scold him for being so reckless.

Deku scoffed mentioning that he saw All Might in the crowd before he ran in, not even helping until he fought.

All Might simply replied to leave it to the pros, making Deku yell, "If I did that that guy would've died! You're no hero..." Deku then walked away.

Kurogiri noticed this exchange and decided to take the young boy to his master, in the hopes of making a villain....


Deku was sitting in front of the Symbol of Evil, "Young Man I can bestow upon you a quirk of your choosing, all you must do is serve me to end this society of fake heroes"

Deku may be many things, but stupid was not one of them.... Nor was he naive, not anymore. Deku bowed to show respect, "Sorry sir, but I must decline. If I did this, it wouldn't be my way, I'll clean this society... Under my own terms, not anyone else's"

As he walked away he smiled, thinking, 'Smart boy, you really missed an opportunity.... All Might'

However as Deku was about to exit Kurogiri's portal, lightning struck, making the portal unstable and sending Deku to another world, in a different time...


The portal threw Deku to the ground, making him look around, "Where am I?"

Suddenly he was surrounded by ninja of the Hidden Mist, "Who are you? Where are you from?"

Deku sighed, "I... I'm no one... No one anyone will miss... Someone without purpose..."

One unsheathed a wrapped blade, "Then none will mourn you" as he swung the blade stopped, as if against the wielder's wishes, "Hm? What's wrong with you Samehada?"

Deku stood still, "Who are you speaking to?"

The swordsmen growled, "Are you stupid? Or just ignorant!?"

Deku looked confused, "I don't know where I am sir... Maybe you can tell me?"

The swordsmen chuckled, "Fine, I'll play your game. We are currently at the edge of Kirigakura, The Village Hidden in the Mist"

Deku started mumbling, "Does that means that I was transported to another time? No I've never heard of The Village Hidden in the Mist... Could this be a different world? No that makes no sense either, the misty man said he had to know where he was sending someone... But I heard lightning, could that have since something? Maybe-"

Another swordsman chuckled, "Now that doesn't make sense, another world? Hey Fuguki, did the sword tell you why he didn't shred the kid?"

The first man, Fuguki nodded, "He said the kid's chakra is immense, but unique... To unique to kill"

Another spoke, this one female, "Let's take him to the Mizukage, to get this sorted out"

The second to speak agreed, "Let's go kid, you just might live"

Deku looked stunned before chuckling, "Guess I was mumbling huh.... Sorry that's a habit I have. I'll go with you if it means I live a little longer"


"You lost him? Perhaps this is for the best... He knew I survived and even those sworn to secrecy can break under the right conditions... If he's meant to be here he'll return"


The Mizukage was to, say the least, shocked at the development. Another world where chakra isn't the main weapon? These things that are called quirks? The fact that this boy, without one of these strange parts was accidentally sent to this world? She decided to test the boys chakra herself and was astounded to feel the reserves.

The swordsmen waited for the verdict, Zabuza ready to execute him at the word. The Mizukage smiled, "This boy is to be trained, while his chakra reserves are great, he had yet to unlock it. If he was really sent by another village it would have been unlocked"

The seven were surprised, but bowed to their Lady. Who added, "And you seven will lead in his training... I feel that he may do what only one other has: Master all seven swords, even Samehada."

This shocked them even more, but bowed before the Mizukage.


Bakugo was walking towards UA College... Having been accepted, but it felt bittersweet... It's been seven years since the sludge villain incident, seven years since he's seen De- Izuku.... And seven years since he's changed himself for the better since the greenette's sudden disappearance... As he got in class 1-A his teacher, Aizawa-sensei spoke about going to the USJ...


Deku wasn't the same boy from seven years ago... He fought and killed, watching allies die in front of him, only for him to kill their murderer.... He was the last one since his main mentor, Zabuza, to kill every student in the Hidden Mist's academy... Gaining the moniker "The Green Death" As his mentors died he made good on his oath to collect their blades... Even if it meant killing the ones wielding the blades... By the time he collected the last one, the one he first met: Samehada, he was approached by the Missing Nin known at Orochimaru.

The snake bastard wanted him to join his cause. To which The Green Death responded by taking is the shark blade and pointing out at him, "Leave this place or die"

Orochimaru simply nodded leaving, covering his escape with a smoke bomb. As Izuku made sure he was alone by trying to sense chakra he was a familiar portal... To which he entered....

The Green Death Of The MistWhere stories live. Discover now