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Class 1-A was shocked at the villain attack... Though the villain Kurogiri was about to send the students to their deaths, one with an electric quirk tried to stop it by shocking him. Making him open another portal which has someone walk out dressed in bandages carrying a large sword....

The boy looked to be their age, and he looked around, "Where am I... This isn't the forest I was in..." As his eyes scanned the students he chuckled internally, 'my theory was right.... Quirks in this world run on their own chakra system. He hefted his sword on his shoulder, "Let's see here... Costumes... Kurogiri... And the pro hero Eraserhead.... Must be an attack on UA least by the man from so many years ago... But I don't trust any of you so you'll all need to either stand aside or die"

Eraserhead narrowed his eyes, "Who are you, villain?"

Izuku chuckled darkly, "Stand in my way and I'll be your executioner. Now tell me who's the aggressor?"

Kurogiri narrowed his eyes, "You look familiar..."

Izuku swung the sword at Kurogiri, the second it made contact with his misty body, Kurogiri shrieked and quickly left. "I hate cowards..." He stopped when his sword seemed to shiver.

He looked to it, "Hm? What's that? It tastes like a corpse?"

The sword shivered again making him smile, "Well if you want we can send him back to the grave." Which the sword seemed to purr in response.

Eraserhead stepped in front of him, "Name and side. Now!"

Izuku thought for a second, seeing Bakugo in the group responded, "Call me Zabuza: Demon in the Mist... And I don't know how I'm here. But if you excuse me I have some people to end, right Samehada?"

The sword purred again as Izuku jumped and ran to the villains, sword ready to shred them. "GET OUT OF MY WAY!"

Many villains laughed as they charged him... Only to end up bloody messes as Samehada cut them to literal ribbons.

Izuku stopped, "Liking this?" And smiled as the blade purred loudly. He pointed at Kurogiri, "You! You brought me here! And for taking me from my battlefield and removing my target: you are now my target"

The blue haired man growled, "Nomu"

A beast went to punch Izuku, only for him to dodge and shred into his arm with Samehada, "Another undead? Can't have that!" He jumped back as Samehada shivered in delight from battle, but showing disgust at the undead chakra he'd consumed, "Don't worry Samehada, it'll be over and I'll even feed you a few other villains, sound fair?" The blade shivered in excitement.

The blue hair man child screamed in frustration, "Nomu why aren't you regenerating!?"

Izuku smiled and lunged forward letting his blade dig into the Nomu's exposed brain, killing it instantly.

Izuku began laughing, "Who's next!?"

A four armed villain went to attack him... And was shredded. Kurogiri panicked, "Young Master! We must leave! Without Nomu we can't win!"

The "Master" growled in agreement and the two left. Izuku smiled at the stranded villains, "Two options: Fight and die, or surrender. What will it be?"

And then the USJ's doors burst open to reveal....

"Fear not students! Why? Cause I am here!" All Might... And he wasn't smiling...

Zabuza glared as many villains quickly surrendered to the Demon of the Mist and Symbol of Peace...

All Might then told the greenette to surrender his weapon, to which Izuku laughed, "Not in a million years! I've spent five long years finding Samehada and I'm not going to give him up... If you want him so bad... See if he'll even accept you"

All Might was taken aback and smiled, "Alright then, just hand it-"

"Him" Izuku interrupted

All Might corrected himself, "Just hand him over"

Izuku looked at the blade and shrugged, tossing Samehada to All Might. Who smiled as the blade fell into his hands, "Now then you're under- ACK!"

Suddenly spikes sprouted from the blade forcing All Might to let go and, to everyone but Izuku's shock, started wiggling back to the stranger who picked it up with ease, "As I thought, you aren't worthy of Samehada... Though he said you taste like a bunch of people... Eight to be exact"

All Might was dumbfounded, "Young Man you are under arrest."

Izuku laughed, "I saved your little students and that's the thanks I get!?"

As the other teachers arrived Izuku was chuckling, "As much as I'd love to stay and chat, I have a league to find and kill... Farewell" and with that he vanished into a puddle of water...

Izuku stood up from where he transported himself, looking around at the park he scoffed, a memory of Bakugo played in his head, "So much for friends to the end"

Samehada shivered at Izuku, "Don't worry, I'll find a place to sleep." He proceeded to jump into the forest and slept in a tree, after sealing Samehada into a scroll containing the other swords of the Hidden Mist...

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