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As the teachers prepped for the Sports Festival, Bakugo was deep in thought. 'Zabuza.... Why do you seem so familiar...?' He was brought out of his thoughts by his friend Kirishima, "Hey Bakubro, you okay?"

Bakugo nodded, "I'm fine, weird hair, just thinking" soon they were brought out to the field, and Midnight saying that the opening speech would be given by, Bakugo Katsuki.

Izuku watched him with narrowed eyes, expecting it to be something about him being the best. So he was surprised when Bakugo began, "Okay I'm not good at speeches, but I had a friend who deserves to be in the UA hero course... But my own school pushed his dreams like they were nothing. So I pledge to do my best in honor of that friend: Midoriya Izuku! I know you're out there watching, so please watch and be proud!"

Izuku chuckled internally, 'Guess my disappearance helped him reach his best'

As they went on Izuku saw a Shadow Clone of Hebi, who simply nodded to him. Izuku turned to his fellow teachers, "I have to go"

They merely nodded as Izuku vanished into a puddle of water.


Stain had incapacitated the Engine Hero and was about to stab his back and end his career when suddenly a kunai knocked the blade from his hand.

Izuku chuckled, "Now what do we have here?"

Stain looked at the alleyway and saw a man covered in bandages, "Who are you? Another fake hero?"

Izuku laughed, "I'm a Shinobi, a teacher, and will be your executioner. I am Zabuza the Demon of the Mist! One of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist!"

Stain snarled, "Is that supposed to intimidate me?"

Izuku drew out two swords, "Been awhile since I've used Kiba... Perhaps you can help shake the dust off of them?"

Stain growled, "I'll kill all you fakes! Only All Might can defeat me!"

Izuku chuckled, "Now now, you only think that. Let me show you the taste of defeat!"

Izuku lunged forward and Stain blocked it but had to backpedal from the ferocity of the attack. Izuku chuckled, "Is this the strength of the mighty Hero Killer? Such a shame... I was expecting a true challenge for a Swordsman of the Mist..."

Stain growled and kicked him away and threw knives, which were blocked by the dual swords. Izuku chuckled, "Sloppy!" He then infused his chakra into the blades letting the lightning shoot from them, "Now let's see how you fare against Kiba!"

With amazing speed Izuku was in front of the Hero Killer, who barely managed to block. But he pushed back, making Izuku smile, "If only you were quirkless... You had the potential to be a Shinobi worthy of my training"

Stain growled and fixed Izuku, "You're just a boy.. go home."

Izuku's eyes were shadowed by his hair, "Just a boy? I fought in three wars!" He lunged forward again, shocking Stain as he kept having to block getting the speedy attacks. Soon Stain was breathing heavily, "You do have skills with a blade.... But it's over!" He started shooting around the alley, trying to catch Izuku off guard. But having fought in three civil wars, and the Great Naruto Bridge fight let him know exactly where Stain was coming from. He blocked the attempted kill strike and chuckled, having not even looked in the direction of the strike, "You have no hope of surviving. But I'll give you a choice: Slice or shredded?"

Stain simply jumped back, exhausted, "I'll kill you and slice you into pieces you fake!"

Izuku put Kiba away and drew Kubikiribōchō, "Sliced it is"

Stain's eyes widened seeing what he thought was a boy holding such a large blade, "How...?"

Izuku chuckled, "I am the embodiment of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist! I have mastered all their blades, and Kubikiribōchō shall be your end!"

With frightening speeds he rushed the exhausted Stain who closed his eyes, saying, "I submit.... You are worthy to kill me..."

The second that left his lips, Izuku beheaded the great Hero Killer: Stain. He then walked to Ingenium and knelt next to him, "Can you speak?"

The hero looked up to him, "Y-yes.... Thank you"

Izuku nodded before calling out, "Hebi!"

The young kunoichi dropped down, Izuku then instructed, "Practice the healing technique I taught you"

Hebi nodded and her hands began to glow, soon the wounds on the hero sealed up and he sat up, "Thank you Zabuza... Nezu informed me that your student would warn you if Stain... I just didn't think you would kill him."

Izuku sighed, "As a Shinobi I deemed him too dangerous to let live, if a captured he could simply escape. And with the hero kills and the crippled heroes he made... I wouldn't allow that to happen."

The young hero bowed, "Thank you for saving me"

Izuku chuckled, "No need to bow to me. Hebi sealed your wounds, not me."

He turned to Hebi and bowed, "Thank you"

Hebi nodded, "I simply did what was right"

Izuku smiled, 'She reminds me of Haku....'


Izuku was training with Zabuza after the second civil war, a coup led by Zabuza and Izuku... It may have failed but they would try again. Before Izuku could land another strike on his mentor, senbon needles hit his pressure points, rendering the arm useless. Zabuza smirked before kicking Izuku in the gut hard. "You forgot to check your surroundings Izuku"

Izuku chuckled, "I made a rookie mistake..."

Zabuza then looked to the trees, "Haku, heal him up"

The young man dropped down, "Yes Master Zabuza." He pulled out the needles, "Sorry Izuku"

Izuku merely chuckled, "Don't worry Haku, as a Shinobi you can't hesitate." Haku nodded, "Still this was just training..."

Izuku nodded, "And we need to keep training if we're to reclaim The Hidden Mist"

Haku nodded, "Of course"



Izuku blinked and saw the confused looks on both Hebi and Ingenium, "Yes?"

Ingenium asked, "You okay? You zoned out there"

Izuku waved off his concerns, "Just reminded of the past. Don't worry about me, now what to do with the body?"

He looked to Stain's corpse, "Should we destroy the body Zabuza-sensei?"

Izuku shook his head, "That will only be for Shinobi that stray from the path we make for them... I believe Ingenium has the right to turn in the body"

Ingenium looked confused, "Why me?"

Izuku smiled, "You're the one to defeat him in a struggle, which led to him accidentally decapitating himself"

Ingenium tried to counter, "You don't want the credit!?'

Izuku shook his head, "No, I don't. We Shinobi do not fight for glory, we strike from shadows, and return to them. We get our hands dirty so that the world will remain clean."

Ingenium nodded, "Very well, will Hebi stay with me, or return with you?"

Izuku looked at his pupil, "That is for her to decide."

Hebi looked between the two, "I'll go with Zabuza-sensei" The two then used Body Flicker to go back to UA, leaving the Engine Hero to call for the police to report the death of the Hero Killer Stain...

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