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Izuku was walking down the hall when he encountered Ilda, "Zabuza-sensei!"

Izuku looked to him, "Yes?"

Ilda took a deep breath, "My brother told me what you did.... I humbly ask you forgive any rudeness I may have done to you" as he went to bow Izuku put a hand on his shoulder, "No need to bow, but I think I'll have to tell your brother the meaning of secrecy"

Ilda looked confused, "But sir-!"

Izuku laughed, "Just call me Zabuza, sir makes me feel old, and I'm not your sensei"

Ilda looked to him, "You saved my brother and ended the Hero Killer threat!"

Izuku quickly put his hands on Ilda's mouth, "Silence about that, Ingenium was the one to take down the Hero Killer. And that's how the world must see it"

Ilda sighed and nodded, so Izuku continued, "We Shinobi are part of the shadows, we will only take credit for Rogue Shinobi kills"

Ilda asked, "Why is that?"

Izuku looked to him, "Tell me what happens to rogue heroes?"

Ilda thought back, "They go to prison"

Izuku nodded, "Now what should I do if a Shinobi I trained were to go rogue? They'll be dangerous"

Ilda looked in horror, "You'd kill them?"

Izuku nodded, "I'd have to. My training is dangerous, I warn them of this, in class I warn them of the consequences of going rogue, I tell them that they'll be forced to kill them"

Ilda asked, "Why are you so rough on them?"

Izuku stated, "My training is to make them the best of the best, when the Shinobi Corp gets larger I'll think of making an elite force to keep an eye on them. But that is neither here nor there... And not for you to worry about"

Ilda nodded, "Very well!" He then went to his homeroom. Aizawa walked up behind him, "You really want to train more?"

Izuku nodded, "I want the Shinobi Corp to the best, and to do that they'll need to be ready for anything... Out of my class, I see at least one going rogue... I don't know for sure so I can't act on it... When a rogue Shinobi is killed, their body is destroyed. To prevent any secrets their body can give to fall into enemy hands..."

Aizawa asked, "Then why teach the one you think will go rogue?"

Izuku smirked, "Because, if they go rogue, I'll have the perfect lesson"

Aizawa, "You'd publicly execute your own student!?"

Izuku growled, "I've done much worse, and you can't play innocent, how many dreams have you crushed by expelling students?"

Aizawa sighed, "I know. But they weren't ready"

Izuku nodded, "Hence why I break my students... I want them ready"


"Damnit!!! The Hero Killer is dead!" Shigaraki was throwing things around, "How could he get killed by his own actions!?"

AFO spoke, "Don't believe the news... There's a new player in the field... Be cautious Shigaraki.. the board had been reset"

Shigaraki nodded, "Of course... Master"


He was out looking for potential spies in the criminal underworld. Soon he saw a blue fire and looked to Samehada, "Sorry old friend, looks like a spicy meal tonight"

Samehada grumbled but shivered in the possible slaughter. Izuku walked into the alley, "I'd like to speak to you"

Suddenly the man launched fire at Izuku, who swung Samehada to counter the flames, when it died down he left a burnt Water Clone.

The man narrowed his eyes, "You should've been dead... Oh well" he went to launch another attack only to feel a blade on his shoulder and his flames died against the users will, "The hell?"

Izuku spoke, "You attack recklessly... If I wanted you dead then we wouldn't be having this conversation."

The scarred man sighed, "Then what do you want?"

Izuku chuckled, "I want you and your friend to work with me"

The man's eyes widened, before relaxing, "What friend? We're alone"

Suddenly another Water Clone walked out from behind a dumpster with what looked to be a college girl with messy buns and cat like golden eyes. Izuku chuckled, "You were saying?"

The flame man sighed, "Very well... What do you want us to do?"

Izuku answered, "I want you to infiltrate the League of Villains and gain info on their plans. When I give the signal you are to turn on them. An I understood?"

The man nodded, "What's your name?"

Izuku gently rubbed Samehada on him, ripping his leather jacket, "Before asking for ones name, it's polite to introduce yourself"

The man nodded, "Very well... I go by Dabi for now"

The girl called out, "I'm Himiko Toga"

Izuku nodded, "I am Zabuza.... I hope we can make a beneficial future for all of us" he removed Samehada from Dabi shoulder, "I know Dabi isn't your real name, but i won't push on the topic"

Dabi nodded his thanks, "We'll work for you"

Izuku shook his head, "With, not for... I'm no tyrant"

Dabi scoffed, "And the difference?"

Izuku smiled, "If you were working for me, I'd care little about why your hiding your name and push on it. Then is torture her to get the answers I wanted and command you through fear"

Dabi shivered at the thought, "Okay, I hope to work well with you"

Izuku nodded, handing Dabi a phone, "Call this number when you find out their plans, don't worry I can't track you with it"

Dabi nodded and took the device from Izuku. When he blinked the Demon was gone and the Water Clones turned into puddles.

He looked to Toga, "Guess we have a friend."

Toga shrugged, "He seemed nice... But I can't help but think I've heard that name before.... Zabuza…"

Dabi nodded, "I can't help but think the same..."


As Izuku walked in, Nezu asked, "Where were you?"

Izuku smiled, "Making friends in low places"

All Might added, "And what do you mean?"

Izuku looked at him, "I now have two moles in the future of the LOV. When they join them keep me updated on their plans, and when I give the word they'll reveal themselves to be traitors to the LOV... And Nezu"

The mentioned rodent looked up questioningly, Izuku added, "I want to grant them immunity and the ability to join a villain rehab program"

Nezu nodded with a smile, "Granted."

Izuku looked to All Might, "No rebuttal? No counter? Or opposition?"

All Might sighed, "You showed you care for heroes by killing Stain... And saving Ingenium, for that you have my thanks Zabuza"

Izuku nodded, "My real name is Izuku...."

The heroes were surprised but smiled in thanks for the trust... One they don't plan on breaking.

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