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As we were speaking of the LOV Izuku was humming in thought leading the Symbol of Peace to ask, "Is something the matter Izuku?"

Izuku looked up and sighed, "A Shinobi learns to trust their gut... And my gut is telling me we should move the training camp at the last second, add in my spies in the LOV mention an attack on the training camp.... I'm afraid we have a mole ourselves...."

The teachers looked to each other warily, "Teacher or...."

Izuku looked up, "A student... And I have a method to give the mole*

Nezu looked intrigued, "And how's that?"

Izuku answered, "A method I personally dislike, but it has its uses"

Everyone was on edge, Vlad King argued, "You won't torture them will you!?"

Izuku shook his head, "No... At least not physically... Powerloader... Is the device I asked for finished?"

The support teacher nodded, "Yes, but why did you want a device to look into the mind of someone?"

Everyone was now confused, "I'm not going to physically harm them, then they'll just say what we want to hear. I'm going for their minds. I have a Jutsu to make someone set what they fear the most. Anyone that sees the puppet master we know is out there will be the spy. Are we in agreement?"

The teachers looked to each other and nodded, but Nezu asked, "Why do this now, instead of after?"

Izuku responded to the test, "I think my spies need more time. So if we were to discover their plans, and their mole, it can't be linked to them. They'd assume we discovered that they wanted to attack us from their mole. Instead of my spies."

Nezu nodded, "I agree... Which class should we start with and when?"

Izuku stood up, "Class 1-A, and now"

The other teachers stood up and Powerloader went to his office and grabbed the mind image revealer. Soon Izuku kicked the door in, startling the class in the common room. Mineta cried out, "Why did you do that!?"

Izuku glared at him, making him shut up before his gaze went through all the others, "Where's the other half of the class?"

Ilda, stood up, "They're all in their room Zabuza-sensei!"

Izuku looked to him, "You're the class rep, call them in here"

Ilda nodded before sending a text which led to everyone to be gathered. Izuku then ordered them to sit at the dining table. As they did he stalked around the table, "We have reason to believe one of you is a spy for the LOV... And before you think that's impossible I have a method of discovering for sure... Now who wants to go first?"

At first no one wanted to... Until Bakugo raised his hands, "I'm not scared, I have nothing to hide"

Izuku smiled under his bandage mask, "You'll regret that, Powerloader put the device on his head"

The mentioned teacher nodded and placed the helmet on his head, Izuku then began the hand seals, "Nightmare World!"

On the screen they see Bakugo looking around confused, they then see something fall from the sky and it was a boy their age with green hair and eyes, smiling as he splat on the ground. They say Bakugo scream out in panic.

Izuku put his hands together, "Release!"

Bakugo woke up panting before glaring at Izuku, "What did you do!?*

Izuku looked to him with sad eyes, "I showed you what you fear most..."

He then looked over the students, seeing most unsettled... Until his eyes landed on one Yuga Aoyama he saw the boy was more terrified than unsettled. He pointed his finger at him, "You... Come here"

Yuga went stiff before nodding, getting up and sitting down in front of Izuku. Izuku looked to him, "If you are the traitor I'm giving you this one chance to come clean without seeing your greatest fears..."

Yuga looked down at his hands, they were clenched. Izuku knew that look, he was closer to breaking under his pressure.

"Bring the device.... Slowly..." The teachers were confused seeing Izuku glare at the foreign student. But Powerloader grabbed the device and began walking every so slowly to the two of them.

Before he could get halfway, Aoyama broke, "I didn't want to!!!"

Izuku held a hand to Powerloader, who nodded and stopped. Izuku pressed, speaking surprisingly softly, "What did you not want to do?"

Aoyama kept his gaze to his hands, "I didn't want to help them... But they have leverage on me..."

Izuku put a gentle hand on his shoulder, "What leverage could they have on you?"

To which the answer didn't surprise him, "My quirk... I was born without one... But then a man came to my parents and told them he could grant me a quirk for a favor later..."

Izuku added, "And if you don't help them they'll take your quirk?" Yuga nodded. Izuku sighed, "Do you really want to be a hero?"

Yuga looked up at him, tears in his eyes, "More than anything...."

Izuku nodded, "I understand, more than you know Young Yuga. I come from this world, the man that gave you that quirk offered one to me... But you didn't have a choice, did you?"

Yuga shook his head, "They accepted in my stead..."

Izuku nodded, "Should you lose this quirk, I will accept you in my Shinobi Corp.... But until then act as if this never happened... Let them not know you were found out, understood?"

Yuga hugged the Green Death of the Mist, crying his eyes out as Izuku was stunned, but returned the gesture, rubbing his back gently.

The teachers were in shock, but knew of AFO's methods. Izuku pulled his mask down and whispered into Yuga's ear, "Remember, only you can decide if you give them the right info, understood?" When Yuga nodded Izuku pulled away.

When Bakugo saw his face his eyes widened in shock, "I-Izuku!?"

Izuku looked to him, "Hello Kaachan...."

The Green Death Of The MistHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin