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As Class 1-A grumbled as they finally got out of the forest, just to see the Shinobi already training hard. They had made clones of themselves and were fighting the clones with lethal attacks, as were the clones. Bakugo blew a fuse, "What the hell Izuku!?"

The Green Death looked to him, growling, "What is it Bakugo Katsuki?"

Bakugo stomped to him, "Why are they fighting like that!?" He pointed at Hebi who had killed two clones with the senbon needles at once.

Izuku looked away, "I don't owe you any explanation... Get back to your class."

Before Bakugo could do anything Aizawa pulled him with his scarf, "Let's go."

Izuku looked to his class, "Rest!" They all dispersed their clones and sat down, helping each other heal. They only had minor cuts and bruises. Izuku sat down for their after training meditation session.


Class 1-B arrived to see the brutal training of the other two classes. Monoma looked on in fear as he saw Izuku throwing kunai at his own students for them to dodge. Then he looked to see their training and relaxed, if only a little.

After the initial training they were forced to cook, to which the Shinobi excelled at, making delicious curry for each other. Aizawa walked next to Izuku, "I'm guessing something you taught them?"

Izuku nodded, "For when they're in the field, food won't always be readily available. So I taught them basic cooking skills"

Aizawa smiled, "You care for them, don't you?"

Izuku looked to his twenty students... Though Shinso was only doing the physical training. Izuku smiled, "They remind me of myself... Years ago in the Hidden Mist's academy... Which is why, in this world, I will not do the same final exam I went through."

Aizawa nodded in understanding, having heard from Nezu about the exam of the Blood Mist. Izuku then looked to his co-worker, "I have a proposition for you Eraser... One of my students has a quirk. So I've only been trading him up physically."

Aizawa nodded, "Shinso, what about him?" Izuku smiled, putting his hand on the older man's shoulder, "I wish for you to teach him about the underground heroes... Train him to utilize his quirk. I've done the basics but I want him to be a hero similar to you."

Aizawa nodded, "I'll take him under my wing... If you see his potential. I'll be glad to teach him personally." Izuku nodded, "Thank you Eraser"


Soon it was fine for the students to bathe and Izuku was leaning on the wall, looking to the divider, watching a certain grape. The second Mineta tried to go and crawl over he was suddenly in an orb of water. Making him look to see Izuku staring at him, "Class 1-A rep, go and retrieve your sensei."

Ilda bowed and left, Izuku then saw the panicking boy and growled, "Calm down, I'd rather not deliver a corpse to your sensei. This is a technique I learned from my master... The Water Prison Jutsu... You have limited air, so calm down."

Mineta looked fearful but stopped panicking. Soon Aizawa came in and sighed, looking to Izuku, "Can you explain?"

Izuku nodded, "I spotted this student attempting to peak on his female classmates... I suggest punishment of some kind, I think harsher training"

Aizawa nodded, "He is troublesome... I'll let your students help in his training, he would have to learn to dodge attacks while using his quirk"

Izuku nodded, "Good, and as for you..." He undid the Jutsu and grabbed him, "You are done in here"

Mineta nodded vigorously before being tossed outside. He turned to Ilda, "Now enjoy your evening." He then walked away with Mineta in tow.


Mineta was crying in fear as the Shinobi kept throwing their kunai at him, making him jump around.

Izuku would occasionally watch as he kept an eye on him. He then got a text, he looked down to see.

D: Tonight

Izuku nodded and turned the phone screen off. He warned Aizawa who would look to him, "We were gonna have a game tonight..."

Izuku nodded, "My students will send clones to patrol the forest"

Aizawa nodded, "Very well"


They LOV's Vanguard Action Squad soon came out of one of Kurogiri's warp gates. Dabi looked at the forest, "Remember the plan."

They all nodded and made their way into position to attach the hero hopefuls...


Izuku looked to his students, "Remember, this is your first team exercise. These villains wish to capture a student... We will not let that happen, understood?"

They all nodded, putting on their animal masks, "Yes sensei"

They then went into the forest to fight the villains.

Hebi spotted Muscular about to attack Kota and threw senbon needles into his joints before telling Izuku via a clone.

Muscular looked to her, "Who the hell are you!?"

Hebi stayed silent, drawing more needles. Muscular chuckled, "Want to be quiet huh? I'll break you!" He rushed her until she teleported behind him and threw more needles into his neck.

He roared in anger, "I'LL KILL YOU!" He then tried to punch her again, this time making contact and launching her into the mountainside. She growled as she stood back up, staggering a little. Muscular was about to launch himself at her when he was knocked back by a powerful kick.

Izuku stood in front of his student, "You got sloppy."

Hebi bowed, "Apologies Zabuza-sensei..." Izuku never took his eyes from Muscular, Kubikiribōchō on his back. Muscular smiled, "You! You're on the kill list!"

Izuku smiled back, "Funny, I thought the same about you. But first..." A Water Clone appeared holding the two blades of Kiba, handing them to Hebi.

Hebi's eyes widened under the cracked mask, "Zabuza-sensei!?" Izuku merely stated, "Use them well and I'll train you with them" Hebi bowed and took the blades.

Muscular looked confused, "Swords? You think that'll stop me from killing all of you!?" Izuku pulled Kubikiribōchō from his back, "Hebi, if you die I'll bring you back and kill you myself"

Hebi nodded, "Understood Zabuza-sensei!" She held the swords awkwardly, but firmly.

Muscular launched towards Izuku, only for Izuku to lift Kubikiribōchō to block, eyes widening when it cracked. Forcing him to jump back, "Powerful quirk you got there... Shame I'm going to kill you"

Muscular was getting ready and hit the blade, breaking it in two, "Now I'll kill you!"

Izuku roared, letting his bloodlust out, freezing Muscular's blood. He then did the Jutsu, "Hidden Mist Jutsu!"

Muscular looked around through the mist confused, until he felt something cut into his muscle fibers, "ARG DAMNIT!"

Suddenly he heard, "Hebi, pour some chakra into the blades!" Hebi obeyed and was shocked as lightning appeared and she sped through the mist and slashed into the muscle fibers, making Muscular scream in pain.

Hebi dodged the attempted punch as Izuku slashed his arm off, finishing up the repair of Kubikiribōchō, only to then swing and remove his head... he released the mist to show him falling over.

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