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All of his students passed Izuku smiled as they all bowed, "Congratulations and as promised your badges of passing. May you serve the public well!"

They all bowed before dispersing, all but one, Hebi. Izuku smiled, "You need something Hebi?"

Hebi bowed, "May I continue to learn under your tutelage? I will assist you however you need"

Izuku put his hand on her shoulder, "Very well, my assistant of teaching"

Hebi looked up and smiled and the two walked in to look at the new group, Izuku smirked, "I will break you, anyone wishes to not be trained in the art of Shinobi.... Leave now!"

Only one of the recruits ran after seeing the Zabuza, throwing up into a bush.

Izuku smiled, "Only one ran, good. For the rest of you let's get to work!"

Soon they went to work on their chakra release. As they all released their chakra Izuku order Hebi to train them, he announced, "This is my assistant Hebi Mirai, she was one of the first gen Shinobi trained by me! Treat her as you would me.... Am I understood!?"

All the future Shinobi called out, "Yes Zabuza-sensei!"

Izuku turned to Hebi, "I have a meeting to attend, Don't go easy on them"

Hebi bowed, "I would never Zabuza-sama"

He nodded and left via body-flicker technique.


Izuku smiled as he watched his prodigal student training the new recruits. As he watched he felt a presence nearby, "Come out Nezu, I know you're there"

Nezu popped out of the vent, "Well Izuku, you seem  to take to delegating your duties as a teacher"

Izuku sighed, "I may have taught the first generation of this world's Shinobi... But I need to develop the hierarchy I'm used to.... The Shinobi of my.... Past home, had several layers of protectiveness. Guess that comes from always in either war or shaky peace between nations"

Nezu nodded, "That otherworld you spoke of does seem dangerous"

Izuku looked at him from the corner of his eyes, "The underworld of this world is similarly dangerous, though not to the same extent"

Nezu sighed, "So how will you do this? You only had 18 students for the first generation Shinobi"

Izuku nodded, "The most trustworthy of my pupils I sent to other schools to become, for lack of a better term, their own Kages of different hero schools. I guess that would make me the Kage of the UA Shinobi... Eh Nezu?"

Nezu nodded, "It would appear so.... But which students did you choose and which schools?"

Izuku stated, "There will be three Shinobi Corp training areas: Here at UA, Ketsubutsu, and lastly Shiketsu. The three Kages will be as follows: Me here in UA, Ketsubustu will have the Kage Yashin Ronri, and Shiketsu will have the Kage Kudo Ren"

Nezu nodded, "It seems that the three biggest hero schools will also be training Shinobi"

Izuku nodded, "And as we have more Shinobi, we will open to more hero schools until every hero school has some sort of Shinobi training classes"

Nezu smiled, "More Shinobi that can't be controlled for their quirks, as they have none"

Izuku then looked at him, "And can't be blackmailed because we will be untouchable to the Hero Commission. Don't think I haven't done my research, that place is corrupt to the core.... They either need to acknowledge that quirks are tools not weapons... Or need to be destroyed"

Nezu sighed as he agreed, "Yes, they have lost sight of what they once were... If you plan to take them on... You will have to do so from the shadows"

Izuku hefted Kubikiribōchō on his shoulder, "Then a shadow war it will be if they dare try to harm my students for their own gain."

Nezu smiled, "You truly care for your students, don't you?"

Izuku nodded, "Yes.... I'll train them for the harshness of this world" then his eyes glazed over as he remember his graduation exam


Izuku was preparing to fight, when the bell sounded he quickly launched himself across the field and slit his opponents throat. When he looked up he saw the others scoff, "He just got lucky"

When he heard that his eyes became red as he launched towards the person that said that and stabbed him several times in the chest, he then slit the person next to the girl's throat... What followed was chaos as he killed everyone in his path that dared poked fun at him during his training. And it didn't stop at students, he killed everyone including his sensei that ever mocked his skills as "inferior." Soon the walls were painted red in blood... It was the only time he did a massacre so large.


Nezu shook Izuku's shoulder, "You alright?"

Izuku shook his head to clear it from the screams and pleas for mercy and forgiveness that went unanswered, "Peachy, just... Reminiscing the past in my old life"

Nezu nodded, "If you need help, Hound Dog will be more than happy to talk to you"

Izuku sighed, "No therapist is ready for my issues Nezu... I'd drive them to follow me in insanity"

Nezu sighed, "Very well, but please do not let yourself carry this burden alone... You have us at your side"

Izuku smiled, "I know, I'd rather not let you know the darkness I had to trudge through to live and breath in the other world"

Nezu turned to leave, but Izuku stopped him, "Tell Hound Dog I would like a session with him... Perhaps I need to talk to someone about these flashbacks I keep getting"

Nezu nodded with a smile, "I'll be sure to inform him"

Izuku smiled as he continued to watch Hebi training the new recruits, "Have fun... Hebi"

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