10) Commitment

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7pm rolled around, and the club started filling up since it was a Saturday, one of their business days. Then the clock struck 8, and the 8 friends started to show up.

First were Felix, Hyunjin, and Minho for obvious reasons. Changbin came too with Hyunjin. Jisung didn't come with Minho and decided to come a little later since, at the beginning, Minho would be working, and no one would be there.

Seungmin showed up a while after Jisung, followed by Jeongin, who came in to work actually but then was invited to their little get-together. And last, but certainly not least, was Chan.

Minho, Hyunjin, and Jeongin were still working but would get off in about 10 minutes, and Felix was nowhere to be seen.

"He's not answering. Again." Jisung said after his third attempt of calling the ravenette.

"He has to be here somewhere. He was here when we came, but come to think if it we haven't seen him since either." Hyunjin said and got worried too.

"Does he have an office by any chance?" Chan asked, and everyone looked at each other. They had no clue. Idiots.

"Good question." Changbin asked.

"I'll go look. You guys can stay here." Chan said and left to the upstairs where many different rooms were situated, Felix had to be in one of them.

He went through room by room, and most of them were bedrooms, thankfully empty right now, so he didn't walk into anything. Then there was one room at the very bottom of the hall.

He knocked on it and had no answer, so he walked in and was met with Felix at a desk with his head on it. He seemed to be asleep. 

Chan looked around the room, and it was actually beautifully decorated. It was pretty big, there was a huge sofa on one side, a few cabinets and display drawers on the other side. In the middle was a huge mahogany wooden desk with 2 chairs in front for guests and, of course, Felix's own chair. Documents and papers were all scattered on the desk, and Felix looked tired. This would explain it.

Chan walked up to him and lightly shook him, Felix whined, not wanting to get up, and thought he looked adorable. He tried again. He didn't want to wake him, but he had to.

Felix started blinking his eyes and fluttering them open. His head was still on the desk, and he was met with a smiling Chan. Felix lifted his head and seemed confused.

"Good morning, sleepy head." Chan said, patting Felix's hair.

"I'm so confused right now. What are you doing here?" Felix asked. It seemed he couldn't remember a thing. Cute.

"Everyone is here, and you were nowhere to be seen, so I can to find you. No one knows you have an office here?" Chan explained in a questioning manner.

"Uh yeah, Min and Hyun don't know I have an office here. I'm sorry, I was just tired from work and ended up falling asleep." Felix said with a nervous giggle.

"It's okay, Lixie. I didn't even know you had work." Chan said, and Felix looked at him with a pointed face.

"I don't just own the club and do nothing. I have bills to pay, people to pay, and ensure licenses to all the liquor so nothing is illegal, I have a document to fill out for the safety of the club like every 2 weeks. I have a lot, yknow." Felix said, and Chan put his hands up in surrender.

"I was only kidding Lix." He said, and Felix sighed.

"I know. I'm just tired. Sorry." Felix said, leaning back in the chair as Chan sat on the edge of the desk facing him.

"Don't keep apologising. You're allowed to be tired." Chan said, and Felix nodded with a smile.

Felix's head was running 100 miles per hour. Thoughts of Chan invaded his mind so fast that he couldn't even process half of them. But one he could. Chan, the way he was sitting on the desk of front of him, manspreading, basically inviting Felix to sit on his lap.

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