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Eight Months Later...

"Sunshine, we've got to go, or we'll be late." Tae shouts, as he grabs his keys and a large gift bag filled with presents.

"Alright, alright. Hold your horses. It took me a while to find my earrings that match this necklace." You reply as you come downstairs, still futzing with your earrings.

Tae hears your footsteps coming down the stairs and turns around toward the sound. Feeling his eyes on you, you look up to see Tae, looking dazed, with his lips slightly parted. Walking up to him, you ask, "Hey, are you okay?"

Tae shakes his head, as if he is trying to clear a spell that's been casted over him and says, "Baby... you look good enough to eat. C'mere, give me a kiss."

With a shy smile, you get on your tiptoes and tilt your head up to meet his lips. The kiss is much more lascivious than you had expected and the heat of it makes you whimper into his mouth. Finally pulling away from the kiss, Tae asks, "Do you think we have time for a quickie before we go?" and pulls your hips closer to his.

Feeling something long and hard, trapped between the two of you, you reply, "Listen, buddy. You're the one who's been telling me to hurry up because we're going to be late."

Tae replies, "Oh, C'mon. It's a baby shower. Who's going to care if we're a little late? We'll only be an hour or so late."

"An hour? Good Lord.... I don't think you know what a quickie is."

"Of course, I do. A quickie is where I get to fuck you absolutely senseless in every way I want, as long as I want, and in the process, turning you into a heap of panting wet mess."

You chuckle at his description and reply, "No... that's not it at all. Besides, if you don't stop, you are going to wear my girl out!"

Grabbing your ass in both of his hands, he grinds his harden length against you and says, "My love, I've been going at your soft little cunt for the past nine months and I haven't worn it out yet. I know for a fact that I haven't even gotten anywhere near your pretty pussy's upper limits. You can take a lot more than what I've been giving you. So... do you think there's time for me to bend you over the passenger seat of my car and fuck you? I swear, I'll make it quick."

"T! Oh my God! What am I going to do with you?"

"Fuck me. That's what! C'mon... please?" He says as he gives you the puppy eyes.

Unable to say no to this beautiful man, you sigh and say, "Fine! But make it quick."

You can see his eyes rolling to the back of his head in pleasure as he declares, "Oh... fuck. I love you so much."

Before you can even take a step, Tae bends you over the back of the nearest flat surface and pummels into you, and as promised, you're turned into a heap of panting wet mess. Tucking his spent cock back into his pants, Tae exhales deeply and says, "Phew... that felt so fucking good. God... I love your tight little cunt. We are going to do that again later."

Your hair is tussled, and your dress is now wrinkled. You fix yourself up the best way you can, in less than a minute. As you're still trying to put yourself back together, Tae grabs your hand in his, scoops up his keys and the gift bag in the other, and pulls you towards the garage. You say with a slight whine in your voice, "T, you're dripping out of me as we speak. Please explain this to me. We had sex earlier today, which was less than a handful of hours ago. So, how is it that you had enough semen left in you to make the kind of a mess that's happening to me right now? How is it possible that you can produce so much semen in such short period of time?"

Opening the passenger door for you, he laughs aloud and says, "My body is just really good at what it does. I can't help it."

Getting into the car, you say, "My panties are going to be soaking wet from it, the entire time we're at the baby shower. Ugh..."

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