Chapter 9

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When you and Amanda get back to the dock, you're chilled to the bones. The two of you make your way back up to George's backyard and see that there is a roaring fire going in the fire pit. You and Amanda slink over to it to get warmed up and dry your wet skin. Both of you have your hands outstretched towards the fire when someone comes up behind Amanda and wraps a large beach towel around her. Surprised, Amanda lets out a little squeak and turns around to see Jim, standing there with a big grin. He rubs his large hands over her arms, trying to help dry her wet body, and Amanda says, "Thanks, Jim."

With a firm nod, Jim puts his hands on her shoulders and turns her around to face the fire once again and puts his hands in the pockets of his jeans. You look over at Amanda, looking all cozy in that big fluffy towel and can't help but curse your luck with men. You think, "Talk about a perfect metaphor. Everyone else has someone to keep them warm and dry, or at least someone that's willing to, want to take on that job, except for my sorry ass. Soaked to the bones like a drowned rat and shivering from the cold. Alone again... Naturally."

As you chortle to yourself softly and hum a familiar tune with that same lyric, you feel a dry towel, getting draped over your shoulders. Thinking it's one of your friends coming to your rescue, you put on a bright smile and turn around to say, "Thanks, Toots!" But instead of one of your friends, you find Chris standing there with a tickled smirk.

He says, "I've never been addressed as 'Toots' before."

Feeling a little flustered, you say, "Oh, hey... Chris. I thought you were one of my girls. Sorry and thanks." You say as you pull the towel around you a little tighter.

Chris's hands are at his sides, and you can see his hands clenching and unclenching into fists. You wonder to yourself, "What's that all about?"

Little do you know; all Chris wants to do is to put his hands on your arms and rub you dry. But he knows too well that he shouldn't. He couldn't. Instead, he steps up to the fire, standing next to you. You turn around once again to face the fire and use a corner of the towel, to squeeze out the excess water from the ends of your hair. As you finally start to warm up, Chris asks, "Would you like me to get you something to drink?"

"No. I'm alright. You go ahead."

"No, I think I'll stay."

You think, "This is a curious turn of events. What is going on here?"

After warming yourself by the large fire for a while, you finally feel comfortable. You and Chris sit next to each other and talk about the old days and all the preparations that you'll need to do before going back to work. At one point, he runs and grabs food for the two of you to have by the fire. You accept his helpful offer graciously, but you would be lying if you say you weren't a little wary of his kindnesses. With your plate emptied, you stare at the burning fire imagining what it would have been like to be with Chris.

In the midst of you entertaining that what-if situation, you hear Judy call for Chris as she emerges from inside of the house, with a pretty blonde in tow. She says, "Chris! Your girlfriend is here!"

Chris looks up and suddenly stiffens. Then without another word, he gets up from his seat and jogs up the patio steps to greet Larissa. You watch as Larissa wraps her arms around Chris's neck and pulls him down to her for a scorching kiss, and you have to look away. Returning your gaze back to the fire, you hug your knees to your chest and wrap the towel around your shoulders a little tighter. You think, "I should go back inside and change back into my clothes. I'm getting cold, even in front of the fire."

Letting out a defeated sigh, you get up from your seat and turn to walk towards the house. On your way in, you have to walk past Chris and his girlfriend of almost eight months. You keep your eyes trained on the entrance and make a beeline for it. As soon as Chris sees you hurry past them, he asks, "Hey, are you alright?"

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