Chapter 18

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As soon as you walk through the door from the garage into your kitchen, you drop your bags on the floor and sigh aloud. Your microwave clock reads 4:15 PM and you know that your friends will be arriving any minute, wanting to be fed. On the way home, you stopped to pick up some wine, beer and ice cream. Putting away the cold things in the fridge/freezer, you head to your bedroom to get changed. Getting out of your work clothes, you remember why you're no longer wearing your pantihose and a little shudder of pleasure runs through your body. You can still recall the sound of your nylons ripping and the feel of his broad head pushing into your core.

Feeling your heart starting to race as your bottom throbs, you chuckle to yourself for being a wanton minx. Before you put on your lounging clothes, you decide to change your underwear. When Tae predicted that his seed would be leaking out of you all day long, he wasn't kidding. The proof of his prediction coming to fruition is staining the inner lining of your panties. As you toss the ruined undergarment into your hamper, you think, "Good Lord, it looks like the bottom of a bird cage."

With a fresh pair of underwear on and in your lounging clothes, you head back to the kitchen to order food. As you close your laptop, you hear the first doorbell of the evening.

Bing Bong!

Feeling more than a little excited to see your girls, you shoot up out of your seat and run to your front door. You swing it open and see Skylar and Judy standing there. Letting out a gleeful girly shriek, you embrace them both in your arms and say, "Come in, come in. I missed you bitches!"

Skylar and Judy walk in and drop their bags on the entryway bench. Then they hand you bags full of things. You ask, "What are these?"

Judy replies, "Snacks."

Skylar adds, "Booze."

You sigh contentedly and say, "I love my girls. Come, come. Make yourself at home. I just got done ordering pizza. It should be here within the hour."

Judy asks, "Anyone else here yet?"

"Nope, you two are the first to get here. So... how have you guys been?"

Judy answers first. "Pretty good overall. Work sucks as usual, but Mr. Big Dick is keeping me mostly sane."

You smile widely at your funny friends. Skylar adds, "Same here."

You ask, "Oh... so, your own Mr. Big Dick is servicing you well enough to balance out the challenges of your work?"

Judy immediately says, "Skylar, I love you to bits, but please... I do not want to know anything about my brother's equipment."

You chime in and say, "That's not fair. Since you get to talk, until you're blue in the face about your boyfriend's penis, Skylar should be able to do so as well. You're going to have to just imagine that she is talking about someone else's cock."

Skylar finally says, "What the fuck are you two hags talking about? I was going to say that work is work, but I don't have any complaints. No one said anything about my boyfriend's dick. And Jude, for someone who allegedly wants all of her best friends to become her sisters-in-law, you are really skittish about any talk of your brothers' dicks. You know it's going to come up in conversation."

"I know that! I just need a little warning so that I can prepare myself before engaging in such discussions. But this one," Judy thrusts an accusing finger at you and continues, "gave me no warning. Just went right into "Mr. Big Dick" comment."

Taking the bags of goodies from your friends you usher them in towards the kitchen. You remark, "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize that the limit to what we can discuss amongst us, ended right before your brothers' cocks."

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