Chapter 4

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Everyone puts on an expectant, pleasant grin on their faces as the man arrives at your table and introduces himself. But not before he shoots a heated look over at Amanda. "Good evening, Ladies. I'm Charlie. And I wanted to know if you all would be interested in joining me and my buddies for a drink."

Amanda looks around the table at her friends' faces to gauge everyone's responses. Before she can say anything, Charlie says, "If you don't feel like it, I'd understand. If you say no, there will be no hard feelings, so no pressure."

Charlie's eyes are boring a hole in Amanda's face as she looks around the table once more. When she seems to get the group's consensus, Amanda shrugs her shoulders and says, "Sure."

Not wanting to endure having to be near the asshole from the bar, you blurt out, "I don't think eleven of us are going to fit into either one of the booths, so I can hang back and keep a watch on our stuff. I'm pretty beat from all the dancing anyway."

Charlie offers, "Oh no. You don't have to do that. Besides, Flynn would have my head on a spike if I left you out. No worries. I'm already way ahead of you. Kelly is going to move us all to the corner table. That'll seat all of us with plenty of room."

You want to protest, to tell him no. You really don't want to sit with that heartless bastard and have to have your fun evening ruined by having to stomach being in the vicinity of that pompous turd nugget. When you're about to start insisting on you staying behind, Flynn comes up behind Charlie and claps him on his shoulder. He asks, "Do you need some help convincing the ladies to join us?"

Charlie replies, "Maybe," and glances over at you briefly.

Catching the glance, Flynn adds, "Don't you worry about this little lady. I know exactly what would entice her."

Then, Flynn slides into the seat next to you and puts his arm around your waist, pulling you in closer to him. Once you are close enough for him to lick you, he leans in and says in a sultry voice, "It puts the lotion on its' skin, or it gets the hose again," and chortles through his nose, the delicate puffs of air tickling your ear.

You lean away from him, so that you can see his face and reply, "There you go again. Threatening me in public with your giant hose."

Charlie looks genuinely shocked by your audacious comment, which makes you laugh. Then you turn to Flynn, put up your hands, palms out in surrender, and say, "Okay, okay, okay. Mister."

That reply earns you another high wattage smile from Flynn. Before you can even finish that sentence, he grabs your hand in his and pulls you out of the booth. Stretching to grab your clutch, you turn and say, "Wait a minute, my drink."

Without turning back, Flynn says, "They'll bring it over for you, C'mon. You're not going to get away from me this time," and continues towards the corner table.

The booth is twice the size of your original seating and there are two tables in the middle of the wrap around booth. You and Flynn are the last two to arrive, so you decide to sit on the opposite side of where the twat from the bar is sitting. You don't look at his direction nor acknowledge him. But you can feel his eyes boring into you. Feeling yourself grow pricklier, you turn to face Flynn, who is already gazing down at you. You say, "What? Are you... trying to picture what my nipples look like? You really want to finish that belt of yours. Don't you?"

Flynn bursts out into laughter, getting everyone around the table's attention. Keeping your gaze on your dance partner, you whisper shout, "Sorry. Was that too much?"

"Oh no, young lady. Not at all. By the way, I wasn't before, but now, thanks to your comment, all I can think about is seeing those nipples of yours." Flynn licks his bottom lip, and you can see his adam's apple, bob up and down.

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