Chapter 11

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"Hunter Lucas."


"Mitesh Patel."


"Fiona Sumner."


"Christina Villafore."


"Okay... that's everyone on my roster. Did I miss anyone's name?"

Your homeroom class for the next one hundred and eighty days of school shakes their collective heads, no.


The bell denoting the end of homeroom period rings and you shout over the bell and the din of children on the move and say as the entire homeroom gets up to exit your classroom, "Welcome back everyone! See you tomorrow. Oh, and don't forget to hand in the permission slip for the next month's field trip."

The students from your first class will start to arrive in the next five minutes. You get all the necessary materials ready, so that you can get started as soon as the bell rings. Much of today's class time will be spent tending to administrative things, like reviewing classroom rules and expectations, the homework and attendance policy, and disseminating all the books that the kids will be reading this year.

You write out your name on the top left corner of the blackboard with the name of the class underneath. Your first class is AP English. Most of the kids in the class are seniors, with a smattering of juniors. Listening to the clamor of students walking to their next class, you sit at your desk at the back of the classroom. You think, "Day one of one hundred and eighty days. Hopefully, it'll be a good year."

About three minutes before the first-class bell rings, someone walks into your classroom. Thinking it's your first student, you say, without looking up from your class roster, "Welcome to AP English. I have open seating, so please sit wherever you'd like."

"Would I be considered a teacher's pet if I sat right on your desk?"

Startled at the inappropriate reply, you look up to see Tae, walking towards you with a sinful smirk on his face. You stand up suddenly and say, "Hey, what are you doing here?"

"Visiting. I'm your next-door neighbor. I wanted to come say hi before my first class arrived. Hi, Sunshine."

Feeling flustered, you give him an awkward wave and say, "Hi."

Two of you are now standing face to face, not saying anything. That delectable smirk remains on Tae's lips and it's only when he licks his bottom lip slowly that the spell is broken. You suggest, "You should go. Your students will be arriving any second. You don't want your classroom to be empty. Especially on the first day."

"Don't worry about me." He looks you up and down as if he is eyeing his favorite dessert and says, "You look... good enough to eat."

Unable to think of a reply that would put an end to his blatant come-ons, you reply, "Thank you."

"Oh, the pleasure is all mine."

Once again, the two of you are standing there, gazing at each other without saying a word. Right then, from behind Tae, comes a sound of girls chatting up a storm, as they walk into your classroom. When they see you and Tae, facing each other and you looking both flustered and awkward, the three girls suddenly slow their movement and cease their lively conversation.

Tae turns around to see the students walking in and turns back to face you. Then with a wide grin, he says, "Right! I'll come by later to get you for lunch, okay?"

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