Chapter 20

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For the rest of the day, you neither hear from nor see Tae at work. You're not surprised. After what you said to him, you highly doubt that you'll ever hear from him again. You tell yourself, "This is how it should have been. There is no way I can be with someone that sees me, and women in general for that matter, as deceptive and are out to manipulate wealthy men out of their money. I don't care how handsome and charming the man is. I can't be with someone that would automatically cast me in that role because I don't have the kind of financial resources that he has. Okay! No more thinking about this. I need to put all of this behind me."

As if your friends can sense the disturbance in the force, you receive texts from them, all separately and not in the group chat. Reading all the texts, you can't help but smile. You think, "Looks like I've already found my soulmates.... Boys on the side, indeed."

You briefly think about using the group chat but decide against it and reply individually instead.

Hey Gurrrrl.
Something just made me think of you and thought I would drop you a line.
How You doin?

I'm doing fine, Gorgeous.
I've made some changes in my life earlier today, but that's probably for the better.
Funny, it's like you sensed a disturbance in the force.

So... I was just sitting here, and your pretty face just popped up in my head.
My mind is usually filled with thoughts of chocolate, hot dudes, and penises, so to see you in the midst of all that was curious.
What are you up to?

Chocolates, hot dudes, and penises?
You have a very rich internal life, I see.
I'm kinda jealous, actually.
I'm getting ready to head home.
Oh, I ended things with Tae like four hours ago.
It's better this way.

I thought I just saw you walk by my classroom.
How come you didn't stop to say hello?
You fat cow!

Lady, you are clearly seeing things.
I've been sitting in my room since lunch.
I think you just miss me.
I would never walk past your classroom and not say anything.
I would at least yell out some kind of unladylike expletive.

I just heard one of your favorite songs on my playlist.
Thought I would say Hi.

Sweet Lillian,
Hello darling...
My favorite song on your playlist, huh?
Spoken like a true music teacher.

Having sent off four separate texts, you pack up your things and get ready to head home. As you step out of your classroom door, you notice Tae walking out of his room also. Without thinking, you turn and make eye contact with him, and what you see in his eyes is nothing short of chilling. He looks at you as if you're a perfect stranger. There isn't anything that registers in them. And as one would, after accidentally making eye contact with a stranger, he simply turns and walks away, without a single care in the world.

You think, "Well, there you have it then. I guess I've been hoisted by my own self-righteous petard."

Turning to walk the opposite direction from Tae, you make your way to your car. As you throw your bags into the backseat, you catch a glimpse of Tae getting into his own. He isn't looking in your direction and seems annoyingly relaxed and unbothered. Not wanting to be caught staring at the man you just dumped, you close your backseat door and get into the driver's seat.

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