Chapter 10

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The past three days were spent on preparing for the start of a new school year, and today is the first day of school for the faculty. You'll be spending the entire day setting up your classroom, going through your class rosters, and other odds and ends that will need to be completed before the students return tomorrow.

You got to school this morning at 7:30 AM in an attempt to get everything done and get out at a decent time. The first thing you did was to set up the classroom, which included setting up the furniture, putting up all the posters and bulletin boards, organizing the supplies, and classroom library and the accompanying reading nooks throughout the room.

The past thirty-six hours were spent dreading the fact that you had to return to work, but now that you are here and getting things set up, you can feel yourself getting excited to teach again. Around 12:30 PM, you get a text message.

What time is the faculty meeting again?

The email said 1:00.

Please tell me they are planning to feed us.


I think I'll head down to the meeting in about 15.
I'm almost done with my AM to do list for today.

I can't believe the kids will be back in school tomorrow.
This summer went by too fast.
I'm going to miss having freedom of schedule.

At least your future doesn't hold hours of reading badly written reports and essays.
I wish I was athletic.
I could have been a gym teacher.
No papers to grade.

Well, I'm looking forward to seeing which kid will be the first to set their hair on fire accidentally on the Bunsen burner.

I always forget that you have all kinds of equipment in your classroom that can be used to maim children.

Ahh... yes. I have fire, glass, chemical, and biological materials.
The only person that works with more dangerous equipment is Eileen from family and consumer sciences and Rick from wood and metalworking.

You know, when I first met Rick, I was super disappointed that he had all ten fingers still intact.
No legit woodshop teacher has all 10 fingers.

Have you told Rick that yet?
I bet he'd get a kick out of it.

Don't want him thinking that I'm coming on to him.

Have you guys seen any of the new hires yet?

But I'm praying that the new hire for my department won't be as complainy as Janet was.
How many new hires are there?

I heard a total of 5.
1 for English
1 for History
1 for Phys. Ed.
1 for Art
And a new school nurse.

How did you find that out?

I bet it was Harry.
He has such a big mouth.

Six Ways to One DayOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora