Hype Boy-(03) -Minji

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- Third Person Pov -






As the group settled into the hotel, a heavy blanket of exhaustion draped over everyone.

The shared secret of Minji's encounter with Alex kept secret.

Minji, visibly burdened, chose to keep the incident to herself, urging you to refrain from sharing it until she felt ready.

Concern for Minji loomed in your thoughts, but an inexplicable reluctance prevented you from facing her directly.

The emotional turmoil intensified, leaving you torn between moving on and navigating the intricate threads of the unfolding drama.

"Why is this happening to me?" you mused, rising from your bed in a futile attempt to find solace in sleep.

Glancing at the adjacent bed where Yunjin peacefully slept, you sighed and grabbed your coat before quietly slipping out of the room.

The crisp night air greeted you as you ventured into the hotel park, finding solace in the serene silence.

Amidst your contemplation, a familiar voice disrupted the stillness, "Y/n Y/l/n?"

Turning, you recognized Jeon Somi, the person you had encountered at the club.

"Hey, Somi-ssi," you greeted, meeting her eyes in the dim light.

"What are you doing here all alone?" she inquired, approaching you with a curious expression.

"I couldn't sleep, so I thought a walk might clear my mind," you explained, and she nodded in understanding.

"Care to walk together?" Somi proposed, and you agreed, welcoming the company.

As you both strolled in silence, Somi observed your demeanor.

"Is something troubling you?" she questioned, her perceptive gaze catching the unspoken turmoil.

"N-no, it's nothing," you responded, though her intuition hinted otherwise.

"About earlier, when I mentioned taking you on a date- are you free tomorrow?" Somi asked, breaking the silence.

"Tomorrow?" you echoed, contemplating the idea.

"Maybe..." you trailed off, and a warm smile graced Somi's face.

"If you are, then we can go on a date," she suggested, and you nodded, intrigued by the prospect of a welcomed distraction.

"Okay then. I'll head back to the room. Bye Somi-ssi. Good night," you bid her farewell, and she reciprocated the sentiment.

"See you tomorrow. And good night!" she called after you as you retreated into the hotel.

Returning to your hotel room, a cascade of questions flooded your mind.

"Should I really go?" you wondered, sighing deeply.

"Perhaps it would provide a welcome distraction from Minji. Maybe I should go," you concluded, nodding with a newfound resolution.

- Your Pov -




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