Hype Boy-(02) -Minji

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-Third Person Pov-






After the lively party, the group made their way back to the hotel. The atmosphere was different for you – a quiet introspection had settled in.

Lost in your thoughts, you observed the interactions around you, while Minji, too, remained silent, her mind seemingly occupied with thoughts of that boy, her gaze occasionally drifting to her palms where his number lingered.

As you entered your room, the ambiance was broken by a knock on the door.

"Is that Yunjin?" you pondered, assuming it was your roommate who had likely gone to Hanni's room for a conversation.

"Coming!" you called out, though your eyes remained fixed on your phone.

"Hey..." a familiar, deep voice interrupted your concentration – a voice you wished to ignore.

Taking a breath, you looked up, only to find Kim Minji standing there.

"Why are you here?" you asked, your voice carrying an unintentional chill.

"Um, about earlier... Sorry for that behavior in the party. I didn't mean to say that when you were just being a good friend," she apologized, her eyes meeting yours.

You nodded thoughtfully. "So, are you finished?" you inquired, seeking clarification, and she nodded in response.

"Hey Y/nnie, I am really sorry!!" she continued, adopting a remorseful expression with puppy eyes and a subtle pout.

"Um, I forgave you, don't worry," you reassured her, and her eyes lit up with gratitude.

"Oh, really!?" she exclaimed, seeking affirmation, and you nodded in confirmation.

"Thank you, Y/nnie!" she expressed with genuine appreciation, impulsively hugging you.

Despite her heartfelt gesture, you didn't reciprocate the hug.

It felt awkward to embrace someone you had feelings for, especially when that person was in love with someone else.

The complexities of emotions lingered in the air, creating a subtle tension as the night unfolded.

-Kim Minji Pov-






As I entered my room, I found Hanni engrossed in her laptop, deeply immersed in something that had captured her attention.

My gaze involuntarily shifted to my palms, where the indelible impression of his number lingered.

"Should I take the plunge and message Alex?" I contemplated, a shy smile playing on my lips.

Unable to resist the temptation, I reached for my phone, saving his number and dubbing the contact "Alexi<3."

A blush adorned my face as I looked at the contact name. "Now, should I initiate the conversation?" I pondered, letting out a soft whine of excitement.

After a brief moment of collecting myself, I decided to take the leap.

Me: Hi Alex!! 🧸

I stared at the phone screen for a fleeting moment, a soft whine escaping my lips.

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