Arranged Marriage With Who? -Haerin

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-Third Person Pov-





The weariness of a long, excuse-laden day in the hospital clung to you as you trudged your way home. The hopital's sterile scent still lingered in your senses, a stark reminder of the demands your profession placed upon you. All you yearned for now was the comforting embrace of your bed, a sanctuary where you could escape the relentless demands of your medical duties.

The flickering streetlights cast intermittent shadows on the pavement as you approached your home, each step a testament to the physical and emotional toll of the day. Despite the weariness, a sense of anticipation gnawed at you, signaling that tonight was different, that something awaited you beyond the threshold of your front door.

Pushing the door open, the warmth of home enveloped you, a stark contrast to the clinical chill of the hospital. The aroma of a home-cooked meal wafted from the kitchen, a comforting gesture from your mother that usually brought solace. Tonight, however, held an undercurrent of tension.

As you stepped into the dining room, the subdued glow of the table lamp revealed a meticulously set dinner table. The clinking of cutlery and the sizzle of food on the stove punctuated the air, creating an ambiance that bespoke familial normalcy. Yet, your instincts hinted at an impending storm, a tempest of emotions that would shatter the facade of routine.

"Mom, I am not going to marry someone!"

The declaration echoed through the walls of your home during dinner, a vehement protest against the arranged marriage your mother had orchestrated—a prospect that had never found a place in your desires.

Your only wish was a life of happiness, to navigate the path on your terms. Yet, from the very inception of your existence, your parents dictated every aspect of your life.

Becoming a doctor was a decision made by your parents.

But, paradoxically, you found love and fulfillment in your work. Despite harboring your own desires, you always acquiesced to your parents' wishes, never once uttering the word "no."

However, marriage was an entirely different terrain. It represented a significant chapter in your life, and the notion of marrying someone you had never met, seen, or even heard of was unfathomable.

"This is different. I won't do it. I won't marry someone I don't know. I refuse to lead a life with a stranger," you asserted, your voice charged with a palpable anger that resonated through the room.

Deep within, you were cognizant that your mother wouldn't easily yield. In an attempt to sway you, she passed a picture for your consideration.

"I'm not going to. I won't marry someone!! Listen, Mom, I won't marry anyone I don't know. I don't want to lead a life with a stranger," you reiterated, your voice now tinged with frustration.

Aware of the inevitable impasse, you contemplated your options, feeling increasingly ensnared.

The only escape, it seemed, was to run away from this looming predicament.

Executing your plan on the day of the marriage, you vanished, returning only with the dawn of the next morning.

To your surprise, you were met not only with your mother's scolding but also with an unexpected twist—the fiancé's father had canceled the marriage, suspecting a clandestine romance.

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