Secretary Pham-(02) -Hanni

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-Third Person Pov-

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-Third Person Pov-






As you sat in the car, en route to the company, your driver skillfully navigating through the city, your thoughts were consumed by the unexpected message Hanni had sent you yesterday.

The image and the accompanying question, "Am I hot?" lingered in your mind, and despite your tough exterior, a subtle smile crept onto your face.

Yet, a sense of unease followed. Why would Hanni, your Secretary, send such a message?

You had been stern with her yesterday, asserting your authority.

The thought crossed your mind—could she be attempting to seduce you?

"I should maintain a tough stance," you whispered to yourself, nodding in agreement.

Despite your efforts to ignore it, there was an undeniable soft spot for Hanni that lingered beneath the surface, a sentiment you grappled with as the car continued its journey.

-Hanni Pham Pov-






I sat nervously in my office chair, anxiously awaiting my boss's arrival. The events of yesterday, the messages and the photo, played in my mind repeatedly. I had concocted countless apologies, but my nerves were getting the better of me.

"Hanni, you can do it!" I whispered to myself, attempting to boost my confidence as I anticipated Y/n's entrance.

The question lingered in my mind: why did they like the "Am I hot?" message? I couldn't help but ponder if Y/n found me attractive.

"Hanni, stop thinking that; you're delusional," I mentally scolded myself, attempting to dispel such thoughts.

The door creaked open, and I hastily stood up, taking a deep breath. I closed my eyes momentarily and executed a 90° bow, a customary gesture for respect and acknowledgment in Korean culture.

"Good morning, Y/n-ssi!" I greeted upon looking up, only to be met with Y/n's impassive expression.

They responded with a simple nod, heightening my nervousness.

As Y/n began to address the events of yesterday, I impulsively cut them off with a fervent apology.

"I AM SO SORRY! I SENT THAT ACCIDENTALLY!! I THOUGHT IT WAS DANI, MY FRIEND!" I blurted out, the volume of my voice inadvertently echoing through the room.

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