Trouble in Paradise?

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"Dunia, I told you, do whatever it takes."

Ugh, it's so hard to find good help anymore. Especially when almost everyone is connected to the Athena mafia. Almost everyone. Dunia is one of my workers and he's working on getting information about this herpes girl. I've seen Athena around and she does look happy but not as happy as she was with me. She even had to get her ex involved to satisfy her. Why she's still with herpes is beyond me. I am in my Lambo now and am on my way to my papa's grave. The fact that I don't know how he died is starting to bug me. When Athena's dad broke the news to me he said that he just found him asleep and then when he tried to wake him up he was dead. That just sounds too fishy to me. But I'll find out sooner or later.

Walking up to a big field I see his white marble headstone. Fuck I miss him. He was my best friend. I could tell him anything. He always help me through anything. It just hurts even more because my mom isn't in the picture and hasn't been for a long time. She tried to contact me a few times since he died but it was no use. She left us for a richer man and had a new family. All I would get every year was a stupid dollar store card with no writing or anything. She always put it in the mailbox so she didn't even have to write my address. Just no point in starting a relationship now. As I am walking back to my car my phone rings

"Que pasa?"

"Boss. I've found their location. They are at some white ladys house. Want us to pull up?"

"Si, but don't do anything too crazy. Just trying to scare that bitch away from her."

"Aight. On it."


"Slow down, Sophia. Who's there?"

I've already called the guys and they are meeting me there. She keeps telling me that Harper is safe but its worrying me. Who the fuck is after her? And its frustrating the hell out of me that sophia cant tell me who the fuck it is. I should have never let them go somewhere I hadntbeen before. we've really got to sit down and talk about safety and shit. Things could go south in a split second. Fuck. Im a minute away when she hangs up the phone. I press as much as I can on the pedal before I finally get there. My men are in the black suburban and they roll out when I get out.

"Aight. So I guess someone is in the house? I couldn't really tell but sophia made it seem like that's what was happening. But before we go in guns blazing. we cant. Harper is in there and is still not trained and there's a baby in there. We go in quiet get the person and get the hell out."

"en eso boss."

They head in first and that's when I realize the front window has been lifted. Damn white people always thinking they're safe. As we head to the kitchen I see someone tied to a chair. My mind starts racing but then I realize Sophia is standing next to the guy looking at him like she's going to kill him. God damn I love this woman.

"Fuck baby. You had me scared. Are you okay? Where's Harper?"

"Sorry. I had to hang up because I got an opportunity to get this mother fucker. Not really a hard one to tie up. Harper is in the nursery with Piper."

I make my men take the man to the suburban and have him transported to the warehouse. I'll deal with his sorry ass later. Sophia leads the way to find Harper and when we get to the room it's like a nursery out of a magazine. A gold crib and so much shit around the room. I look at Sophia confused because I don't see Harper anywhere and then she points to the closet door. As soon as I open the door I'm met with nothing. Just a fuck ton of clothes. What?

"Harper baby. Where are you? It's me and Sophia. You're safe now."

I start to see a rustling under one of the clothing racks and out comes Harper's head. She peeks out and calls for Sophia to come grab Piper, who I assume is the baby, and when she sees her she hands over the sweetest cutest looking bundle. Fast asleep and holy shit does she make me want a thousand babies. Once Sophia is out of the way I head over and hold out my hand for Harper. She takes it and when she's up she launches into my chest. I start to hear sobs and my shirts getting wet.

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