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Best. Night. Ever.
Well at least I hope it is. Watching them dance like that had me on cloud nine. When Athena went to get water Sophia and I talked and decided that we were just going to have to decide for her. Or at least for now. Of course she will be the ultimate decision maker but for now we had to show her what it could be like. Because she is so new at everything. To say I was turned on by watching them kiss wound be an understatement but when Sophia made Harper grind on her I knew it was time to head upstairs. I was so sexually frustrated that I flipped the switch. Papi Don has arrived. The look on Harley's face when I commanded them have me the most satisfaction. I loved watching both of their asses jiggle as they made their way up the stairs. When we got into the room I told them position 3 in Spanish and realized that Harper didn't know what that meant. When they both finally arrived to position 3 I got to work.

"Good girls. Look at you both. Waiting for me. Who am I?"

"Papi Don."

"Si Sophia. Who am I Harper?"

"P-papi d-d-Don."

"Oh my sweet angel. Watch Sophia for me. piernas abiertas frotar."

Sophia jumped into action opening her legs wider and resting her feet on the end of the bed. She started to rub her clit. I made her keep going until I saw her pussy glistening. Keeping my eyes on Harper almost the whole time.

"See Angel. She's so wet for me. Look."

She raised her head and looked down at a moaning Sophia. The blush on her cheeks turned fire red when she noticed her pussy out and open for everyone to see. I then noticed her clenching her thighs together.

"detener. Look at my angel Sophia. Clenching her thighs together wanting any kind of touch just looking at you. Just the sight of you turns her on."

Sophia was almost shaking because I stopped her right before she was going to cum. One thing I'll never forget about Sophia is that she is one of the best subs I've met. Always eager to listen. Even when it's to her disadvantage. The look on harpers face was the best. I've never seen her so flustered. Since it's been so long since I've been with Sophia and I know she can take it, I'm going to make her wait it out. Edge her a bit. I'll go easy on Harper though. Especially because we haven't gone over the rules yet.

"Angel do you want Sophia to help you?"

"Uumm- uh- y- yes."

"Tell her. She needs commands."

"I - I don't know what to say.. umm"

"Tell Sophia what you want. What do you want her to do to you?"

"I - I - umm Sophia umm- eat m-me out?"

"Angel are you asking her a question"

She shook her head

They both look at me and I give Sophia the go ahead. She looked at me because she knows one of the rules is commands only no questions and using your words. But it's Harpers fist time doing anything like this. So I'll let it slide. The incredible moan I heard from Harper gave me all of the reassurance I needed. So I sat down. Watching the show. I almost forgot what these chairs were for in my room. Just before Harper was about to cum I told Sophia to stop. A loud whine came from my Angel and it almost slipped me out of Don mode but I looked at Sophia and I remembered she's in sub mode. If I'm going to introduce Harper into this then I'm going to have to edge her a little. I started to see Harpers hands slide down her body and I walked over.

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