A date to what?

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I was so nervous I could barely sit down. The baby I was watching had been asleep since 7 so I'm just sitting here scrolling through TikTok trying to keep my mind off of why the hell Athena wants me to come to her house at night. Yeah, I know 8 isn't that late but it's not a time to hang out. As soon as I turn on the TV, the parents walk in.
"Hello, honey. We are back. How was it?"
"Oh! Good. Of course. Ya know they can't back talk at 6 months. But she was a doll!!"
"She'll get there. Her mother is a huge back-talker. She always-"
"Okay! So sorry I think he had too many beers. Here's some cash and thank you again."
"No problem! Anytime!"

Boy was he drunk. He was about to say god knows what. I like that part of my job too. It's fun to be nosey. When parents come home they spill their heart out to me. Oh, the things I've heard. I could seriously write a book. And the babies?! OMG is it bad that I've already created a baby registry? I mean it's just for when I have a kid. I mean I'm learning so much about what a baby needs and what to buy and what not to buy. It's just a way to save those ideas..... Anyway. I am almost at her house when I end up on a road that goes straight up a hill. Kinda scared my grandma's car wouldn't make it up but it did. And holy shit. There is a damn water fountain in the middle of the circle driveway. And I see Athena's car parked outside. But there is a garage with I don't even know how many garages. Why isn't it in there? Anyway. The house is so beautiful! It's got grey stones and black accents. I just know I'm going to break something. Well here goes nothing. I get my fat ass out of the car and lock it and text Athena while I'm walking to the door.

H- Hey!! I'm here!
A- right. Ignacio will let you in. Come to the kitchen.
H- read

I ring the doorbell and when I do I'm met with a huge man that looks like Hulk if he wasn't green. He must've known I was coming because he stepped aside and I came in. Also, how the hell do I find the kitchen? As I am about to walk up the stairs I see Athena walking out of a room and into another room. Hopefully the kitchen. Wait. I didn't see a shirt. She has on a champion sports bra and grey sweats. Damn, she looks fine. Like mouth-watering. I could use my tong--
"Sup Harper?"
"Hey! Sorry this place is huge!"
"It's okay I saw you looking. I don't mind."
No. No, she didn't. Make up a lie. Now!
"Oh- u-uh. Umm, I was looking at the fridge. It's really big!"
"Yeah okay. Do you want anything to drink? I figured we'd meet in here and then go to the living room?"
"Maybe a water. And okay."
"Just a water? Look. I've got so much in here besides water. My mom just brought over some Polvorosas."

God damn that accent. I could listen to it for days. I guess she noticed I had no clue what the hell that was because she chuckled shaking her head.

"Sorry. I forget. They are just really good cookies. My Abuela makes the best ones but my mom tries."
"Oh. No that's okay just a water please."
"Okay. If you're sure."

I nod and she hands me a water bottle. Voss. I should've known. I almost don't know how to open it but I get it and take a swig. She then leads me into what I assume is the living room but it's like a living house. It's huge! 2 fireplaces and a TV that is bigger than my bed. We sit on the black leather couch and she looks right at me.

"So, how was babysitting?"
"Oh, it was good. Boring but good."
"Cool. How old was the kid?"
As I think about my answer she grabs a box from under the coffee table and opens it. WEED?! I mean I've seen it before. But does she smoke it in here?! It's so nice in here.
"Shit. Sorry, do you mind? I have a high tolerance so I just do it mundanely most of the time."
"Oh no it's okay. Just I've never been around it. It's cool. I trust you."
"It's cool. Wanna hit? You don't have to just thought I'd offer."
"Haha! I- um I've never. umm, how do you?"
"Woah woah. Chill. Here watch me."

She takes the blunt and puts it up to her juicy lips. She grabs the lighter and lights the end. She then takes in a long breath and takes it out of her mouth. It's a long time before she releases. I have no idea if I can hold it long enough to work. I think she might have noticed how nervous I was because she took my hand and pulled me closer to her.

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