Big guy with an earpiece

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Those damn kids! Embarrassing me like that. Even after I sang baby shark for them!! After the mom announced that it was time to sing and eat cake all of the kids took off. Didn't even give me a chance to dry them off. So I took my fat ass up those steps and ran inside to apologize. After I thought the torture was over, I tried to get the door back open and closed while still holding my towel around me. Fail. I hope nobody saw me.

So here I am sitting at a table on the patio waiting for the kids. Now that I think about it, where are they?

" Hey.. you okay?"

I turned around, expecting to see Ashley or a kid. And I am met with the most piercing hazel eyes. I couldn't help my eyes roam her body. I swear they had a mind of their own. She was skinny but definitely had muscle and one arm was covered in tattoos. She had on a silver chain and a watch that could probably pay my tuition. As I scan back up her body I see a smirk across her lips. Oh shit! Why? Why? Why me? Why am I such an idiot?! What do I say? Sorry about that. I'm an idiot and you are the most handsome lady I've ever seen! No. Im so not her type. That would be embarrassing. Here it goes..

"Oh.. h-hey, yeah. I'm okay!"
Smooth. Real smooth🙄

"Okay. Good, I just saw you out here alone and thought you'd want some company before the terrors come back outside."

"I appreciate the gesture but I wouldn't want you to miss the party."

"They already sang and I told my grandma I'd be outside. It's all good."

"O-okay. Well I don't know that to say"
Insert awkward laugh. Lord it just keeps piling on.

"Well I saw how good you were with the kids. What got you into this crazy position with babysitting my sisters hellions?"

"They aren't that bad. Especially when your a pushover like me. Umm I started babysitting out of high school because I just didn't know what I wanted to do. And your sister is friends with a lady I babysit for and we just found each other that way. But I've been babysitting for almost 5 years now."

"5 years? Everyday? You are definitely an angel. I have no idea how you do that."

"I don't know if I'd go that far but It depends if it's every day or just a couple days a week. I work with a lot of different families in this area so. But what about you? What do you do for work?"

"Uhm.. well... I just pick up jobs here and there. You know how that goes.. But before the kids come outside do you want me to tell you how to get out of this backyard? If you sneak out now I'll cover for you. I know this party is just going to get crazier and crazier. My uncle just went to grab more alcohol."

"No. That's okay. Thank you though. No offense, but your sister is paying me $10 an hour per kid so I think I'll stick around for the cash!"

"Okay. If your sure?"

"I'm sure"

"Alright I'll go grab them and tell them your out here."

"Okay. Thanks."

As soon as she walked off I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Holy shit. She talked to me. And wanted to talk to me. Wait why? And why must I ramble? Also, im a little confused on what the hell she does for work. Picks up jobs? Doing what? I felt the awkwardness so I didn't push any further. Just weird. Also, is it weird I want her to come back and talk to me again? I mean it's not like she's into me like I am into her. But itd be nice to talk to someone my own age. Wait. How old was she? I forgot to ask.

Anyway.. here come the kids. I help them get their life jackets on and turn on the pool lights because it's getting dark out. As I go to flip on the switch I see a big man next to the entrance to the gate. He's big. I mean really big. Dressed in all black and had an ear piece on. Is that a gun in his pocket?! Oh no. No. No. No. what do I do? I knew this area was sketchy for the suburbs. But this????? I sneaked away and called Ashley.

"Hello? Do you want cake? We have a lot. I can bring some out to you!"

"Hey. No. I need you to come down here please. Quickly."

"What? Is everything okay??"

"I'll tell you when you are down here. Just hurry."

She hangs up the phone and runs down the stairs. I see her sister and her husband coming down with her. They all have worried looks on their face and the sister and husband are checking their surroundings like they are expecting something. Ashley makes eye contact with me and I meet her at the bottom of the stairs.

"What is it? Are you okay? I see all of the kids. What's wrong?!"

"I went to go turn on the pool light and I-I saw a very b-big man with a g-gun standing at the fence entrance."

She started to laugh and her husband took out his phone and started calling someone. Her sister was staring at me like I had 3 heads. What is going on?

"Oh honey.. you poor thing. Come here. Athena, go get this poor girl some water."

Athena. That's her name. Wait. Task at hand! She pulled me to the table and chairs that was close to the pool and I sat down in front of her. Athena rushed back with the water and handed it to me.

"Wait. Why aren't you guys freaking out?!"

"Umm so I don't even know how to tell you this. Um.. but.. you see... umm"

Athena interrupts her.

" our father is a mafia boss and because this is a family party... a lot of important people are here. And that very big man you saw is one of our security guards. For protection."

Mafia boss???? I am within feet of a mafia boss?? Wait. If their dad is the mafia boss what does that make Ashley? I think shock took over because I started busting out laughing. I couldn't even breathe. They both stared at me. I just kept laughing.

"Very funny... whew. Good one. Your dad is a mafia boss and I am the queen of England."

"No were serious Harper. And you have to keep this a secret. If you don't. You put your own life in danger. Anyone in connection to us is in danger."

" we aren't giving you hush money or anything but it's better for you if you keep this a secret."

Athena said that and earned a smack on the back of the head from Ashley. After she said that I stopped. Dead in my tracks. Are you serious. Do I look like that type of person to you? I thought she was hot but now I'm starting to retract everything I said about her.

"ella no querrá nada de eso. no seas un asno"
(She won't want anything like that. Don't be an ass)
Athena gave a nod and they both stared at me like they were expecting me to say something. What do I say? Okay. Cool. Sounds good. Have a good party? No!!

"I don't even know what to do right now. Do I run to my car and leave never looking back? Or will I get sh-"

"Don't finish that. There are kids around. And the guards don't do anything without mine or my dads word first."

" Sorry. I just don't know what to say or how to feel."

Ashley spoke up.

"How about Athena takes you home and you can chill for the rest of the night. Don't worry I have definitely had my share of alcohol but this whole thing sobered me up quick. I'll deal with the kids until bedtime. I'll also pay you a good $500. I'm not sure the hours you worked but I don't feel like doing the math. Is that okay?"

"I guess that's okay. But what about my car?"

"I'll have Arturo bring it in the morning."

"Okay. Yeah. I definitely need some time to myself right now. Thanks."

"Get out of here and Athena make sure you take care of her. She's the best babysitter in the world and Josephine can't live without her."


You Changed My StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora