Who is that?

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Athena P.O.V.

Walking into the house I hear my grandma calling me. I head towards her voice but I keep getting stopped by children tugging on my pants and asking me to play with them. Thank god my sister got her babysitter to come and watch all of these kids. Once I get through all of the commotion I see abuela sitting on the couch waving me over.

"Hi abuela! How are you? Happy birthday!"

"Hola neita! Gracias! How's everything been at the big house?"

"Good but we didn't come here to discuss all of that. We came here to celebrate you. The best abuela anyone can ask for!"

"Right, right, I was lucky enough to pull you away from that torture zone you call a house, to come party! Enough about that."

Then my sister whistled and I swear she can burst someone's ear drums with that.

"Oye Thomas ve a buscar a todos los niños y llévalos afuera. Harper está aquí."
(Hey Thomas go get all the kids and take them outside. Harper is here.)

Harper? Oh the babysitter maybe?

"Athena, if I wasn't already loosing my hearing I swear Ashley would have taken my hearing with her on her way to get another drink!"

She said that last part a little loud. My sister turned to her and mouthed 'I'm sorry'.

"How is she going to take care of all of those kids? And by the pool?"

" Oh don't worry about her, I've seen her work her magic at a few of the Wednesday church sessions you fail to attend."

The sass on this lady just gets more intense every time I see her.

"You know-" I get cut off.

"I'm busy. Always have something to do. I know, mi mariposa" (my butterfly)

As she said that she grabbed onto my arm to help her stand and she made her way outside. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a beer and a water. You can guess which is for abuela. And then I made my way outside to find her. As I reached the back door, I heard a lot of children giggles and a voice- who I'm guessing is Harper's- singing baby shark! Oh god what a wretched song! Makes me want to rip off my ears. But her voice is nice. I finally spotted my grandma leaning over the patio, looking down onto the pool.

"aquí abuela te tengo un trago"
( here grandma, I got you a drink)

I held out the beer and she couldn't get the top off so I used the edge of my Glock to pop it off. Don't worry, I turned around. She didn't see it. Plus it's on safety!

"gracias. mira ella es tan buena con los niños!"
( thank you, look she's so good with the kids.)

As I made my way over to where she was standing after throwing the cap in the trash, I almost choked on my water. Holy shit she's beautiful.

" Oh my god. That's the babysitter?!" I asked abuela

"Yes, don't use the lords name in vain and you need to practice your Spanish. Can't remember the word babysitter in Spanish?"

"Niñera. y lo siento, ella es realmente sexy."
( babysitter. and i'm sorry she's just really sexy)

"Don't talk about her like that around me. I thought you were going to come over and say 'yeah she's really good with them'. Not I want to jump her bones!"

" abuela I didn't say that!!"

Oops. That was kinda loud. All of the chatter below us stopped and I looked down to be met with the most beautiful green eyes. Almost teal. As she looked at me I noticed her sage colored one piece swimsuit that had ruffles on the straps. I was pulled out of the trance by a slap on the back of my head.

"¿No me escuchas? No vuelvas a levantarme la voz así nunca más. ¿Estás loco?"
(Do you not hear me? Dont you ever raise your voice at me like that ever again. Are you crazy?)

"Lo siento mucho. Me desconecté. no quise gritar ¿Perdóname?"
( Im so sorry. I zoned out. I didn't mean to yell. Forgive me?)

"Tienes suerte de ser mi nieta."
(You're lucky you're my granddaughter)

And with that she heads inside. I stayed outside and watched the kids play for a bit longer until I heard my sister's big feet stomping. Telling me that she's about to come out here. I got my ears prepared and covered them.

"Estamos a punto de cantarle a la abuela. Todos entren aquí"
(Were about to sing to grandma. Everyone get in here)

I headed inside and tried to get as far away from the crowd as possible while still seeing abuela. I started to see the kids rushing in with soaked swimsuits. Some in towels. Some just getting water everywhere. Suddenly an out of breath Harper came in and shut the door after. She ran up to my sister and said something. I got closer so I could hear.

" I'm so sorry. When the kids heard you they screamed cake and all looked at each other and started to sprint. I tried to get to most of them to dry them off but they are so fast! I'll clean this water up after I promise!"

" Calm down Harper. It's okay! The floors will be fine and I'll have the kids clean up the water. It's not your fault. We're about to sing and eat cake and I'm sure they will want to hop back in anyway! Stay in here and I'll bring you some before they run back out there!"

" I don't need any cake. Thank you though! I'll be right on the patio to grab the kids when they are done!"

And she walks off. I watch her walk out the door trying to keep her towel up and still close the door behind her. I hope she didn't see me watching her. And I probably should of helped but her frustrated face was so cute. And I'd be lying if I was to say that I didn't want that towel to fall off of her body.

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