Dress Fitting

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"Hey, mom! I'm home!!"
"About time! I'm headed out though. I'm going to be doing an overnight trip with my friends for the weekend. Still room for you if you want!"
"I forgot about that! No mom. All you! Love you and I just sent you a Venmo."
"Okay. Be safe.
I've got all of the cameras on so just feed the dogs. Thanks!"

With that, she shuts and locks the front door. I watch her get in the minivan and drive off. I went into my room and crashed into my bed. What the hell was I thinking of staying the night at her house!! And letting her see me dance? I was just using the bachata moves I learned in dance class in high school. I must've been high. And I kissed her?! But for real the feelings I have for her are true and it seems they are reciprocated. I'm honestly excited but nervous to go to this party tomorrow. It's already noon so I'll just chill on TikTok until it's time for bed.

The next morning I'm woken up by a phone call.

H- hello?
A- hey. How are you?
H- I'm good. The party is today, isn't it?
A- yeah tonight. That's actually what I called about.
H- oh? What's up?
A- I'm having Amy come grab you and take you to get a dress. Then you'll come back to my place to get ready. Is that okay?
H- okay. Uh. Umm. Yeah, that's fine.
A- what's wrong?
H- it's nothing it's just-
A- come on mamacita.
H- okay well I umm am just not sure if they will have my size is all. And I don't want to embarrass you on your big night.
A- you won't embarrass me. And they'll have your size. Please don't worry. Amy is nice and I trust her. I'll see you tonight.
H- okay you're right. See you tonight.

After she hung up I sat there wondering when Amy would be by. Athena didn't give me a time. So I just got up and showered. I put on some Nike shorts and a loose T-shirt. I kept my hair down since I had just washed it. And it wasn't long until I got another phone call.

H- hello?
Amy- hey girl! I'm outside!!! Come on!!!
H- so much energy. Okay, I'm on the way. Anything I need to bring?
Amy- just yourself!
H- okay headed out.

I grabbed my Apple Watch and put it on and slid my phone into my pocket. I let the dogs out and back in before heading out front. I walked out and saw a matte pink Maserati waiting for me. When I slid in I was blasted with rap music.

"Hey! I'm sorry. I didn't see you walking up."

"It's all good. I like this music too."

"Okay cool. Ready to go?"

"Yeah. When you drop me back off could you park a couple of houses down? I'm sorry it's just my mom has cameras all over the house and I don't want to scare her on her trip."

"I mean I can but Athena already had me hack your house's cameras and they are all on a loop."

"Holy shit. You can do that??"

"I'm Athena's best hacker. Hell yeah, I can do that. What I did was elementary compared to what I normally do."

"Wow. Okay. Never mind then. Thanks."

"No problem at all. Now let's get you a dress!"

As we pulled into the parking garage I started to get nervous. My hands started to shake and it was hard to keep walking. When we entered the store I almost ran out. There was a huge chandelier in the lobby and a crystal desk. A skinny white lady was manning the front.

"Hello. How may I help you both?"

"Here for Gambino."

Her face paled and she ushered us straight to the back. There were plenty of petiole waiting but I guess Athena's mafia has a reputation around here. Amy asked for some champagne before taking out a blunt and lighting it acting like she owned the place.

"Are you allowed to smoke that in here?"

"Who's gonna stop me? Also, I'm going to need it. I'm super picky so hopefully, this will help me chill enough to let you pick. Athen told me to let you but it's gonna be hard."

"Okay. Well, I'm going to need your help. If they even have anything my size."

"Your size? Of course, they'll have it. They have every size on the market here. I'm going to do a lap and pick out some. Don't worry. I know what I'm doing."

"Okay. I'll be here."

I grabbed a flute of champagne and sipped on it before sending Athena a Snapchat of me. I was surprised when I got one back fairly quickly. When I opened it I immediately got flushed. She was in a sports bra and shorts working out. Sweat dripped down her abs and she had a smirk on her face like she knew what she was doing. So I decided to tease her back. Finally, Amy came back with some dresses and I took them into the dressing room. I took off my shirt and sent her a picture of my upper body while biting my lip. I flipped the phone around and tried on the first dress. Surprisingly it fit like a glove. When I looked at the tag it didn't have a size or price. So I have no idea how they got one that would fit me. Anyway. It's a green color with some finest ones. It's not for me. But I stepped out anyway.

"Not. It fits well but you look like a piece of seaweed. Try the black one."

"Damn okay. That weed didn't help much."

"Sorry girl I just want you to look good for Atthy."


I walked back in and took off the dress. I was zipping the next one up when my phone buzzed. My heart rate picked up thinking about what I had sent her. When I flipped the phone over it was a text from Athena.

A- you naughty girl. I heard your moms out of town. Might just have to have another sleepover.😈🔥

H- stop!! If you're lucky. Also, quick question.

A- shoot.

H- how the hell did they know my size? And why aren't there any prices or sizes on the tag?

A- you don't need to know the price. But Ashley owns the store. It's specifically made for people who struggle with stuff like sizes and measurements. She struggled and still struggles with an eating disorder so she did this to help her and hopefully other girls too.

H- really?!?! That's so cool!!! We need way more stores like this. Okay. Gotta go. Amy is yelling for me. But one more thing What's your favorite color?

A- black. Why?

H- no reason. 😏

"Oka,y I'm coming!!"

"Oooo I like this one better but I think I want something more flowery. I think this is too just plain."

"Really? I like it. And it's Athena's favorite color."

"Yeah. Yeah. Try on the last one."

I heard back into the dressing room and tried on the last one. It was a dark blue almost black dress with tulle sleeves and it was poofier. I love this one! It hid most of my belly rolls and I love how it draws attention to my arms and legs versus my belly.

" !ay díos mío¡"

"Yep. I really like this one."

"Great! Let's do it!"

I went back and got dressed. When I walked up front with Amy we just walked out with the dress. That's when I remembered that Ashley owned this place. So it wasn't stealing. We got back in her car and went to the mall.

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