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"Who did you tell?!"


"If I have to say it again, I'm going to have to use a couple of my new toys. They are special. I don't want to waste them on such scum like you."

I started to walk towards the wall where my toys were strung up and down being showcased like the beauties they are.

"I don't give a damn what you do to me.. I will never tell you. It's not like your actually going to do anything. You leave that up to your daddy waddy" and he begins to laugh.

He doesn't know how wrong he is. My anger boils up in me like a tea kettle. I swear smoke is going to come out of my ears. We've been going back and fourth for almost an hour and he's already been held in this chamber for a week. I don't know how he is still standing. Let alone talking to me the way he is. Running my fingers along the wall, I pick up the pliers. Rose gold handles. My fave. I start to head over.

"Ya know... I'm not a dentist but at this point I might as well be. Then again, I guess I've only practiced on unwilling 'patients'. And only when torturing. I digress.... Witch tooth first? Your pick"

He smirks and then with a quick blow to the chest he coughs and spits out some blood onto my shirt.

"Ha! Your not strong enough. But if your asking I guess I'd prefer anything in the back. I'm getting out of here and I wouldn't want to look a mess."

"Speaking of that. I know we said we would let you walk out of here. But that was before you refused to tell us who you were an informant for. And continued to refuse for a week."

"You bitch! You know I have to get out of here. I have a life. Friends. A girlfriend. More than your sorry ass."

"Ouch. I mean that really stung. Let's go over what you have to get out of here for. Your life? Filled with a horrible drug addiction, which is why you even worked for us in the first place. Debt. And your friends all work here under me and wouldn't follow you out of here after what you did. Girlfriend? Again works under me and you also cheat on her more than you are with her. But I owe you no explanation."

"You are so wrong. I love her and my friends are loyal to ME."

"We have cameras everywhere and we've been having you followed ever since you 'slipped up' a month ago. Someone's got an addictive personality. Drugs and sex. So many partners. I'd get tested. But that doesn't matter anymore. You won't live to see tomorrow. I'm only keeping you alive so you'll give me information. Then see ya!"

"So then do it. Enough talk. If you really are the next in line.. show it."

" My pleasure"


" Simon, have fun. Sorry about the mess. He was something else."

"No problem boss. Get anything out of him?"

"No. But it's okay. I got a text from Amy saying she already found out before I even pulled the first tooth. Just wanted to see if he'd break."

"You are gross. Well did he?"

"Until his last breath, he didn't snitch. If he wasn't such a shitty person he'd probably be on my team."

"Such a shame. But since he's dead... can I have his girlfriend? Not like he treated her right anyway."

"You know how I feel about people dating within the 'profession'. But that poor girl needs someone to treat her with some respect. So if that's you. Go for it.  Also, since you are so into her, you can tell her about  what happened to him. Not all the details obviously. Just sum it up. Less work on my shoulders."

"You got it. Onto the mess and I'll go tell her right after. And comfort her... wink wink"

"I swear all of you men are nasty!"

I head up stairs to take a shower and get ready for tonight. We are having a family get together with just a few of the close relatives for my grandmas birthday. She's requested us to come to her house. Away from all of the " murderous activities" her words not mine. It's in a suburb and there will be a f ton of kids so I'm not that excited. Mostly because we can't drink or party.

I get out of the shower and do my routine spraying my fave cologne and placing some jewelry down and heading to get dressed. I know it's just a birthday party but I don't ever dress casual. I throw on some black slacks and start to button up my white shirt and roll up the sleeves a bit. I slide a silver chain and put on a few rings. And I never leave without my Rolex. I start to slick my long brown hair into a low pony and head out the door. I meet my family down stairs and slip a Glock into my waistband before leaving. I know we are just going to a party but you never know. We slide into the porche suv and head to my grandmas.

You Changed My StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant