A Serious Meeting

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I just could not get her out of my head last night. I was up tossing and turning until I just got up and smoked a blunt I had Nelly roll for me. Speaking of Nelly, she offered to come over last night and normally when I can't sleep sex is always the answer but I juts coukdbt the pull the trigger. So she came over and we smoked instead. When aurturo called and asked if I could take harpers car to her, there wasn't even a moment of hesitation.

I was expecting her to tell me to put the keys in the mailbox or something but she invited me in. I'm not complaining. I subconsciously came early so I could chat. Her house literally looks like it's on an episode of locked in. It's got more security than I think my house does and I am about to be head honcho. But she looked so beautiful. So sexy. Like I wished I could wake up to her everyday. See her get out of the shower. Dry off her curvy bod-.

"Athena. Hello? Are you even listening? This is extremely important!"

"Shit. I mean damn. I mean I'm sorry! I'm listening now."

"We didn't get everyone here just to sit around and shoot the shit. Your introduction ceremony is this weekend and there isn't shit done yet. You don't have a date. You don't have a suit. Hell I don't even think you have the will to even be head honcho anymore. Snap out of it."

"Sorry Pa. Won't happen again. I have a suit and I want more than anything to be head honcho. Just distracted."

"Well stop being distracted Athena. We have 3 days to pull this together. If this doesn't go good the respect for our mob will lessen."

"Okay. Just continue."

"As I was saying. We have hit a new record for the amount of product we've sold and transported. We also just had a fall out between one of our boarders with the Diablo gang. They are only getting stronger. And I'll be damned if they take anymore of our land."

"That's the first thing I'll take care of when the title is given to me."

"That's what I needed to hear mija. Now back to the ceremony. Who are you bringing as your date? You do know that Julia is still avalible."

"Papi I respect you and I believe that you want my best interest but that blonde chola wanna be is not going to be my date."

" Dont talk about josès daughter like that. They are like family! She just wants what is best for our mafia."

"No she wants the deep pockets and power of our mafia. Whatever, if that is all then I'm out. Love you pa. Adiós familia."

"Athena!! Get ba-"

I shut the door before I could hear the rest. The last thing I want to talk about is Amber. Speak of the devil. As the elevator is about to close Amber shoves her way in. I tried my best to hide the eye roll but I'm sure she saw it.

"Heyyy sexy! I just love your outfit today. So intriguing ."

"Wow. Big word."

"Oh come on Atthy!! You know I didn't mean too. It just happened. Spur of the moment ya know?!"

"No I don't. You don't have sex with on of my guards spur of the moment. Especially when I had access to all of your text messages and the sexting had been going on way before you had sex."

"But he tricked me!"

"No. He told you he had more money than he did. He lied. You fell for it. Simple."

"But. But. I love you. You are my person. You are my uno y solo."

"DONT. YOU.CALL ME THAT. Say it again I dare you!"

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