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In the days that followed, the atmosphere at Y/n's home was filled with excitement and anticipation as the wedding preparations kicked into high gear. With Jimin's parents actively involved, the house became a hub of discussions, laughter, and occasional teasing directed at the blushing bride-to-be.

Y/n found herself immersed in the whirlwind of bridal fittings, venue visits, and the delightful chaos of choosing decorations. Jimin, always the attentive fiancé, would occasionally drop by to lend his support, providing a calming presence amidst the flurry of activities.

As the wedding date drew near, Y/n and Jimin stole moments together amid the hectic preparations. They found solace in stolen glances, secret smiles, and the shared anticipation of starting a new chapter of their lives together. Amid the chaos, their love only seemed to grow stronger.

It was the eve of their wedding, and Jimin couldn't resist the urge to spend some quiet moments with Y/n before the whirlwind of the big day. He decided to plan a secret late-night drive, a little escape for just the two of them.

Jimin, trying to keep the plan a surprise, called Y/n with an air of casualness.

Jimin: Hey, Y/n, what are you up to tonight?

Y/n: Oh, not much, just going over some last-minute details for tomorrow. Why?

Jimin: Well, I was thinking... how about a little late-night adventure? A drive, just you and me?

Y/n, intrigued by the idea, couldn't help but smile.

Y/n: A late-night drive, huh? Sounds mysterious. I'm in!

Jimin: Great! Wear something comfortable. I'll pick you up in half an hour. And, uh, keep it a secret, okay?

Y/n: You've got it. I won't spill a word. But where are we going?

Jimin: Ah, that's a surprise. See you in a bit!

True to his word, Jimin arrived precisely in half an hour, a mischievous glint in his eyes as Y/n hopped into the car.

Y/n: Okay, spill the beans. Where are we heading?

Jimin: It's a secret, remember? Just trust me.

As they drove through the quiet streets, the night wrapped around them like a cozy blanket. The city lights twinkled, and a gentle breeze played with Y/n's hair.

As they reached the spot, Jimin led Y/n with careful steps, her eyes covered, adding an air of mystery to the surprise he had planned. The gentle sound of the sea grew louder, and the scent of saltwater filled the air. When they finally stopped, Jimin carefully untied the blindfold, revealing a breathtaking sight—the moon reflecting off the gentle waves of the sea, the shore adorned with twinkling fairy lights.

Y/n gasped at the enchanting scene.

Y/n: Jimin, this is... it's magical.

Jimin, with a soft smile, took Y/n's hand.

Jimin: I thought we could have a moment, just you and me before our lives change tomorrow.

The moonlight painted a silver path on the water as they strolled along the shore. Jimin had arranged a cozy setup with a blanket and pillows, a small table adorned with candles, and a gentle breeze carrying the sweet aroma of flowers.

Jimin: Y/n, from the moment we met, my life has been a series of beautiful surprises. And tonight, I wanted to create one more.

Jimin pulled out a small velvet box from his pocket, and Y/n's heart skipped a beat.

Y/n: Jimin, what is this?

Jimin, getting down on one knee, opened the box, revealing a breathtaking ring.

Jimin: Y/n I know it's silly but still I wanted to ask you, will you make me the happiest person on this planet? Will you marry me?

Tears welled up in Y/n's eyes as she took in the significance of the moment. She nodded vigorously, unable to find her voice.

Y/n: Yes, Jimin. A thousand times, yes.

Jimin, beaming with joy, slipped the ring onto her finger. He stood up, and they embraced, sealing the promise of a lifetime together.

Jimin: I love you, my ANGEL. More than words can express.

Y/n: And I love you, Jimin. With all my heart.

They shared a sweet, lingering kiss, the sea breeze carrying the echoes of their whispered promises. In that magical moment, time seemed to stand still, and all that existed was the love between Y/n and Jimin, solidified under the moonlit sky and the gentle lullaby of the waves. As Y/n and Jimin embraced under the moonlit sky, surrounded by the whispers of the waves and the soft glow of fairy lights, they felt an undeniable connection. It was a connection that transcended time and space as if the universe itself had conspired to bring them together.

Jimin: Y/n, this is just the beginning of our journey, and I can't wait to see where life takes us.

Y/n smiled, her eyes reflecting the shimmering sea and the love that filled her heart.

Y/n: Jimin, our love feels like it was written in the stars, whispered by destiny itself.

They shared another tender kiss, sealing their commitment to each other. In that serene moment, surrounded by the beauty of nature and the promise of a shared future, Y/n and Jimin knew that their love story was meant to be a timeless tale—a tale carried by the whispers of destiny. And as they held each other close, they embraced the magic of the present, grateful for the love that had found them and the journey that awaited.



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