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A bustling train station in Delhi, filled with travelers and vendors

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A bustling train station in Delhi, filled with travelers and vendors. Y/N and Taehyung stand on the platform, excitedly awaiting their train to Lucknow.

Y/N: (grinning) "Alright, Teapot, get ready for the adventure of a lifetime!"

Taehyung: (rolls eyes, chuckling) "You and your nicknames, Y/N. This is going to be fun, though!"

As they settle into their seats on the train, Y/N can barely contain her excitement.

Y/N: (grinning) "Can you believe we're going to Lucknow for my cousin's wedding? It's going to be amazing!"

Taehyung: (nodding) "I've heard Lucknow is beautiful. And weddings are always a blast!"

As the train chugs along, they engage in a conversation about their college experiences.

Y/N: "Final year of medical school, Teapot. Can you believe it?"

Taehyung: (grinning) "Feels like just yesterday we were struggling through our first anatomy class."

Y/N: "And now we're practically doctors!"

Suddenly, Y/N's phone buzzes. It's her mother calling.

Y/N's Mother (over the phone): "Y/N, beta, where are you? We're all waiting for you here!"

Y/N: (quickly) "Ma, we're on the train to Lucknow. We'll be there soon!"

Y/N's Mother: "Train? Oh my, you're taking trains now? Is everything okay?"

Taehyung stifles a laugh, knowing Y/N's mother's penchant for worrying.

Y/N: (laughing) "Ma, it's perfectly fine! We're having a great time."

Y/N's Mother: "And who's with you?"

Y/N: "Teapot is here too."

Y/N's Mother: (confused) "Teapot? What?"

Y/N: (giggling) "Oh, it's just a little nickname I have for Taehyung. Don't worry, he's taking good care of me!"

Taehyung, amused, waves at the phone's speaker.

Taehyung: "Hello, Auntie! Don't worry, I'm making sure Y/N doesn't get into too much trouble."

Y/N's Mother: (laughs) "Well, that's reassuring. Take care, both of you. We can't wait to see you!"

As Y/N hangs up, she turns to Taehyung with a grin.

Y/N: (to Taehyung) "I swear, sometimes my mother thinks I'm off on some grand adventure."

Taehyung: (grinning) "Well, every train ride with you is an adventure, Y/N."

Y/N: "WELL Teapot, you're officially part of the family now."

Taehyung: (smiling) "I'm honored, Y/N. Let's make this wedding unforgettable!"

Y/N's stomach growls loudly.

Y/N: (laughing) "Okay, maybe we should get something to eat."

Taehyung: "I'm on it. What would the princess like?"

Y/N: "A samosa, a sandwich, and don't forget my tea, Teapot!"

Taehyung salutes and heads towards the snack car.

As Taehyung ventures off, Y/N gazes out the window, excitement and anticipation bubbling within her. Little did she know, this journey to Lucknow would bring a surprise that would change her life forever.

 Little did she know, this journey to Lucknow would bring a surprise that would change her life forever

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