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Y/N's Mother: (smiling) "Y/N, why don't you show Jimin his room? It's the one at the end of the hall."

Y/N: (nervously) "Of course, Mom."

Y/N's heart raced as she turned to Jimin, managing a shy smile.

Y/N: "This way, Jimin."

Jimin followed his steps mirroring Y/N's. They walked in an awkward silence, the weight of the situation settling around them.

Jimin: (trying to break the silence) "So, uh, you're in medical school, right?"

Y/N: (nervously) "YE-Y-Yes, I'm in my final year."

Jimin: (smiling) "That's impressive. I'm in my final year of engineering at IIT."

Y/N: "O-Oh, t-that's wonderful. You must be really smart then."

Jimin: (modestly) "I just enjoy what I do."

Y/N mentally scolded herself for stuttering. She couldn't believe she was being so awkward.

Y/N's thoughts: Come on, Y/N. Get it together. You can do this.

They finally reached the room, and Y/N opened the door, revealing a cozy, well-appointed space.

Y/N: "Here's your room, Jimin. I-I hope you find it comfortable."

Jimin: (grateful) "Thank you, Y/N. It looks perfect."

Y/N: "If you need anything, just let me know."

Y/N's nerves were palpable. She couldn't help but scold herself internally for her lack of composure.

Y/N's thoughts: You're acting like a schoolgirl, Y/N. Get a grip.

Jimin: (trying to ease the tension) "Well, I suppose I'll see you around, then."

Y/N: (eager to escape the awkwardness) "Y-Yes, definitely. Enjoy your stay, Jimin."

Jimin entered the room, leaving Y/N standing in the hallway, a mixture of relief and embarrassment flooding over her.

As she walked away, she couldn't help but chuckle at herself. This was certainly going to be an interesting few days.

Jimin's POV:

As Y/N led Jimin to his room, he couldn't help but notice the nervousness in her demeanor. Her steps were slightly hesitant, and her words carried a subtle tremor. To him, it was endearing.

She's even cuter when she stutters a little. It's... refreshing, actually. Makes her feel more real, more human. I wonder if she's as nervous as I am about all of this.

Inside the room, as Y/N showed him around, Jimin couldn't help but steal glances at her. Her shy smile, and the way she carefully arranged the pillows, all made him feel a strange mixture of comfort and anticipation.

She really put thought into making this room welcoming. It's... nice. And she's so considerate. Maybe this won't be as awkward as I thought.

As they exchanged a few more words, Jimin couldn't shake the feeling that there was potential here. He saw past Y/N's initial shyness, recognizing the genuine warmth and kindness in her eyes.

She's really something. I hope we can get past the initial nerves and actually get to know each other. There might be something special here.

After Y/N left, Jimin took a moment to absorb the room. He could still feel the lingering presence of Y/N, and it made him smile.

This is going to be an interesting few days, for sure. Who knows, maybe we'll surprise ourselves.

As Y/N hurried down the hallway, her face flushed with embarrassment, she suddenly ran into Taehyung, who was grinning mischievously.

Taehyung: (teasingly) "Y/N, why is your face as red as a tomato? Are you feeling alright?"

Y/N: (stammering) "Oh, uh... it's just really hot in there, you know?"

Taehyung raised an eyebrow, smirking inwardly. He knew exactly why Y/N was blushing.

Taehyung's POV:

Oh, I see what's going on here. Y/N and Jimin, huh? This is going to be interesting.

Taehyung: "Well, if you're feeling too warm, maybe I can help. Why don't you show me Jimin's room? I'm sure it's cooler in there."

Y/N: "But why?"

Taehyung:"Just wanna catch up with my friend, any problem?"

Y/N: (nervously) "Oh, no, that's a good idea. Follow me."

As they made their way to Jimin's room, Taehyung couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia. He and Jimin had shared many adventures growing up, and he was eager to catch up.

Taehyung: "You know, Y/N, Jimin, and I used to have the best times together. It's been ages since we had a chance like this."

Y/N: (smiling) "I'm sure he'll be thrilled to catch up with you, Taehyung."

Y/N hesitated for a moment outside Jimin's room, her heart pounding in her chest. She took a deep breath and knocked softly on the door.

Jimin opened the door, a surprised smile lighting up his face. "Y/N, hi! Is everything alright?"

Y/N: (shyly) "Um, yes. I just wanted to let you know that Taehyung is here. He's in your room."

Jimin's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Taehyung is here? That's great! Thank you for letting me know, Y/N."

Left alone in the hallway, Y/N couldn't help but smile to herself. This unexpected turn of events was certainly making the family gathering more eventful than she had anticipated.

Y/N's thoughts: Well, this is turning out to be quite the adventure.

Meanwhile, Taehyung settled into the room, eager to catch up with his childhood friend, and Jimin, unaware of the amusing chain of events, made his way to the room he would be sharing with Taehyung.

Little did they know, this family gathering held the promise of new connections and rekindled friendships that would shape their futures in unexpected ways.


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