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The room was filled with a soft ambiance as Y/n entered, and Jimin couldn't resist the urge to follow her. He quietly excused himself from Taehyung, who was engrossed in the television, and stealthily entered Y/n's room. Swiftly closing the door behind him, he approached her with a tender smile and gently back-hugged her.

Y/n, though momentarily startled, recognized the familiar scent of Jimin's cologne. Sensing that something was amiss, she turned around to face him.

Y/n: (curious) What happened?

Jimin remained silent for a moment, gazing into her eyes. Finally, he spoke, his voice laced with a touch of vulnerability.

Jimin: (softly) I missed you so much.

Y/n's heart skipped a beat at his sincerity. She placed her hands on his arms, comforting him with a gentle squeeze.

Y/n: (smiling) You missed me? You were the one who just left!

Jimin chuckled, his arms still wrapped around her.

Jimin: (whispering) Even a moment without you feels like an eternity.

Y/n couldn't help but blush at his sweet words. She decided to tease him a little.

Y/n: (teasingly) Are you sure you're not just here to spy on my shrine?

Jimin grinned, feigning innocence.

Jimin: (innocently) Shrine? What shrine?

Y/n laughed, and Jimin took advantage of the moment, leaning in to place a gentle kiss on her forehead.

Jimin: (whispering) I missed this.

Y/n: (softly) Missed what?

Jimin: (looking into her eyes) Being close to you, feeling your warmth.

Their closeness intensified, and Jimin's arms tightened around her. Y/n couldn't deny the warmth that spread through her as they stood there, wrapped in each other's embrace.

Y/n: (teasingly) So, you just missed my warmth?

Jimin: (smirking) Maybe a little more than that.

Y/n: (smiling) You know, Tae was right. I did go a bit nuts waiting for your calls and messages.

Jimin: (apologetic) I'm sorry for not keeping in touch as much as I should have. Things got hectic, but that doesn't mean I wasn't thinking about you.

Y/n: (softly) I understand. Besides, Tae made sure to keep me entertained with his constant teasing.

Jimin: (laughs) That sounds like him. I'm glad he was there for you.

Jimin: (earnestly) Y/n, these days without you made me realize how much you mean to me. It's more than just missing you; it's about wanting to share every moment with you.

Y/n: (touched) Jimin...

Jimin: (smiling) I know we've been through a lot in a short time, but every moment with you feels like a lifetime of happiness.

Y/n: (softly) I feel the same way, Jimin. I've never connected with someone so quickly and deeply.

Jimin: (softly) I know, and we don't have to rush. I just wanted you to know what's been on my mind.

Jimin continued, his voice filled with sincerity and affection.

Jimin: (gazing into Y/n's eyes) You know, there's something magical about the way your eyes light up when you talk about your dreams.

Y/n: (blushing) Stop it, you're making me feel like I'm in a romance novel.

Jimin: (smirking) Well, consider this our very own love story, then. (pauses) Y/n, I want to be there for you in every chapter of your life. (well right now it's up to author the chapters of your life lmao)

Y/n: (softly) And I want to be there for you, too, Jimin. (smiling) No matter what life throws at us.(life won't throw anything author will haha...sorry continue :)

Jimin: (leaning closer) There's one more thing I've been wanting to do.

Y/n: (curious) What is it?

Jimin: (whispering) This.

Jimin gently brought his lips to Y/n's, creating a moment suspended in time. It was a soft and tender kiss that spoke volumes, expressing the unspoken emotions between them. Y/n felt her heart race, and as they pulled away, she looked into Jimin's eyes, realizing the depth of their connection.

Y/n: (breathless) Wow...

Jimin: (grinning) Did I surprise you?

Y/n: (nodding) Pleasantly surprised. You have a way with words and kisses, Park Jimin.

Jimin: (chuckling) Well, you inspire me. (pauses) Y/n, I meant what I said earlier about our future. I can't wait to create a lifetime of memories with you.

Y/n: (smiling) Me neither, Jimin. Let's take it one step at a time and see where life leads us.

Jimin: (nodding) One step at a time, together.

Jimin: (grinning) You know when I'm with you, everything just feels right.

Y/n: (blushing) You have a way of making everything better, Jimin.

Jimin: (whispering) That's because you're my better half. (smiles) By the way, have I told you how much I love the way your laughter fills the room?

Y/n: (giggling) You might have mentioned it once or twice.

Jimin: (teasing) Well, I'll keep mentioning it until you believe me. Your laughter is like music to my ears.

Y/n: (playfully) Smooth talker.

Jimin: (leaning in) Only when it comes to you.

Their fingers intertwined, creating a connection that went beyond words. Jimin's gaze held a promise, and Y/n couldn't help but feel a surge of emotions.

Y/n: (curious) What are you thinking, Jimin?

Jimin: (smirking) I'm thinking about our future. (pauses) How about a small house with a garden? We can grow old together, surrounded by the ones we love.

Y/n: (dreamily) That sounds perfect. But what about now? What do you want in this moment?

Jimin: (softly) Right now, I just want to be with you. To hold you close and savor this moment.

Y/n: (smiling) I like the sound of that.

Jimin: (leaning even closer) There's something about the way you look at me that makes my heart skip a beat.

Y/n: (blushing) Maybe it's because I see a future filled with love and happiness when I look at you.

Jimin: (whispering) That's exactly what I see when I look at you. (pauses) Y/n, I love you more than words can express.

Y/n: (emotionally) I love you too, Jimin. You're my greatest adventure.

Jimin: (gentle) And you're mine. Let's make every moment count.

As they embraced the warmth of their shared feelings, the world outside seemed to fade away. In that intimate space, Y/n and Jimin found solace in each other's presence, cherishing the love that blossomed between them.


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