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The room was immersed in the soft glow of the hospital lights, and the steady hum of machines echoed in the silence. Jimin sat beside Y/n's hospital bed, his eyes never leaving her face. The fragility of her form was stark against the crisp, white sheets, and the beeping of the monitor was a constant reminder of the delicate thread between life and the unknown.

Jimin took Y/n's hand gently, his thumb caressing the back of her palm as if trying to transfer warmth and reassurance. He swallowed hard, his emotions threatening to spill over as he began to speak, his voice barely above a whisper.

Jimin: Y/n, you probably can't hear me, but I need you to know that I'm here. Right here, beside you. And I'm not going anywhere.

He took a deep breath, trying to steady the storm of emotions swirling within him.

Jimin: I never imagined that a simple journey to Kiara's wedding would lead us to this moment. Life has a funny way of surprising us, doesn't it?

He glanced at Y/n's peaceful face, willing her to wake up and hear his words.

Jimin: From the moment we met, everything felt different. You brought this light into my life, a warmth that I didn't realize I was missing. And now, seeing you like this... it feels like the world has dimmed.

He paused, a mixture of sadness and determination in his eyes.

Jimin: We had so many plans, Y/n. Plans for the future, for the life we were going to build together. I was looking forward to every single one of them. I still am.

Jimin's grip tightened on Y/n's hand, his voice cracking with emotion.

Jimin: You're my love, my partner, my everything. And I can't imagine a world where you're not a part of it.

He leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to the back of her hand as if trying to infuse her with the love he felt.

He took another deep breath, steadying himself for what he needed to say.

Jimin: The doctors say you're stable now, and that's a relief. But I need you to wake up. I need to see those beautiful eyes of yours, to hear your voice, and to feel your presence beside me.

The minutes stretched into an eternity as Jimin continued to pour his heart out, sharing memories, dreams, and a promise to be there no matter what.

Jimin: I love you, Y/n. Please, come back to me.

but suddnly the abrupt change in the heart monitor's rhythm startled Jimin. Panic surged through him as the beeping grew louder, echoing in the small hospital room. He hastily pressed the call button, summoning the medical team.

Within moments, the door swung open, and a flurry of doctors and nurses rushed in. Jimin was ushered out of the room, his heart pounding in sync with the erratic beeps. He felt an overwhelming sense of helplessness as he watched them work, desperately praying for Y/n's well-being.

After what felt like an eternity, a doctor emerged, signaling for Jimin to step aside. The atmosphere was heavy with tension as he anxiously awaited news of Y/n's condition.

Doctor: Mr. Park, there's been a change in Y/n's condition. She's regained consciousness.

Jimin's heart leaped with a mixture of relief and anticipation. Without a second thought, he followed the doctor back into the room.

Y/n lay on the hospital bed, her eyes fluttering open. The brightness of the room seemed to intensify as she adjusted to her surroundings. Jimin rushed to her side, a flood of emotions overwhelming him.

Jimin: Y/n, you're awake.

Y/n managed a weak smile, her voice barely a whisper.

Y/n: Jimin... what happened?

Whispers of Destiny ✔ | JIMIN X READERحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن