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The sudden halt of the car jolted both Y/n and Jimin, momentarily startling them. Taehyung's voice broke the silence, announcing their arrival.

"Our stop has come, lovebirds!" he declared cheerfully, turning to face them from the front seat.

Jimin furrowed his brows, glancing at his watch in surprise. "But my dad said it's an hour-long drive. How did we get here so fast?"

Taehyung burst into laughter, his voice filled with mirth. "Oh man, my hands and legs are practically numb from driving for over an hour! You got so lost in your own world back there that you didn't even notice the time flying by!"

Jimin's cheeks tinged with embarrassment, realizing just how engrossed he'd been in their own little world. Y/n couldn't help but giggle at the exchange, finding their banter both endearing and amusing.

In the midst of the laughter, Taehyung extended his hand toward Y/n, a playful twinkle in his eyes. "M'lady, shall we?"

Y/n took his hand with a smile, appreciating his chivalry. However, before they could move, Jimin swiftly interjected, gently tugging Y/n's hand from Taehyung's grasp. He started walking towards the venue, determination in his steps.

Taehyung watched the scene unfold, a mischievous grin playing on his lips. "Looks like someone is eager to get inside," he commented with a wink.

Y/n's cheeks flushed with a rosy hue, a mixture of surprise and amusement at Jimin's sudden assertiveness. As they walked hand in hand, she stole a glance at Jimin, finding comfort in the way he held her hand. 

As they stepped into the venue, the trio became the center of attention. All eyes were on them, especially Y/n, who exuded elegance and grace in her attire. The gazes made her slightly uncomfortable, and Jimin could sense it.

He leaned in and whispered, "Do you want me to take you to Kiara's room? She must be there, getting ready." Y/n nodded gratefully, and Jimin gently guided her through the crowd.

"Thank you," she murmured softly as they made their way towards the bridal suite. Jimin simply smiled, his eyes never leaving her. He was determined to make her feel as comfortable as possible, even in the midst of all the attention.

As they walked towards the bridal suite, Jimin couldn't help but think about the limited time he had left with Y/n before she had to leave for her flight. An unspoken sadness weighed on him, making him want to make the most of these precious moments.

Breaking the silence, he asked her about her departure time, "At what time will you leave today?" Y/n looked a bit confused at first, but Jimin repeated the question, "I mean, what time is your flight?"

Y/n replied, "Our flight is at 11 pm, so we'll probably leave around 10 pm."

Jimin's mood visibly saddened as he checked the time on his phone; it was already 8 pm. He realized that he had just two more hours with her.

He suddenly asked, "Can I have your number? I forgot to ask before."

Y/n smiled and took his phone to type her number in. It was a small yet significant connection they were making, knowing that it could help them stay in touch even when they were apart.

Their conversation continued, and Jimin asked, "So, you live in a hostel?"

Y/n shook her head, replying, "No, I share an apartment with Taehyung."

Jimin hesitated for a moment before asking, "You both, um... alone?"

Y/n chuckled, seeing the concern in his eyes, and assured him, "Don't worry. Taehyung is like a brother to me." Jimin blushed, feeling a bit embarrassed by his question but also relieved that there was nothing to worry about.

As they stood outside Kiara's bridal room, Jimin was about to bid farewell, but Kiara opened the door just then, dressed in her stunning bridal attire. She beckoned them inside, her eyes filled with joy.

Y/n eagerly hugged Kiara and complimented her on how beautiful she looked, her excitement for the bride palpable. Jimin, too, offered his congratulations with a warm smile.

Kiara then surprised both Jimin and Y/n by asking them to come inside the room. Jimin looked puzzled and inquired, "Why?"

Kiara replied, "I want to talk to you, Jimin."

Curious, Jimin nodded, and he and Y/n entered the room. To their surprise, there was no one else in the room, just the three of them.

Kiara urged them to take a seat and began, "Y/n, I'm angry with you."

Y/n looked concerned and asked, "Why?"

Kiara playfully scolded, "You're leaving in the middle of my wedding, huh?"

Y/n sidled up to Kiara, hugging her tightly. "I'm so sorry, you know, it's important for me. I promise I'll be back soon and visit you first, okay?"

Kiara chuckled and then teased, "I guess when you come back, you should meet Jimin first, not me."

Both Y/n and Jimin blushed at Kiara's remark, and she couldn't help but smile at their adorable reaction.

Turning to Jimin, Kiara pointed at him and said, "You, if I ever hear that you made my Y/n cry or even a single tear left her face, I'll hunt you down, okay?"

Jimin smiled softly and gazed into Y/n's eyes, his voice filled with sincerity as he replied, "I promise I'll never let a single tear leave these beautiful eyes, and I'll take care of her as if she's my own heart and my own piece. She will always be my first priority."

Kiara couldn't help but exclaim, "Oh my god, you two are so cute!" The room was filled with laughter and affection, a testament to the strong bond between friends.

As Kiara prepared to leave the room, Y/n exclaimed, "Okay, I'm coming with you," her eagerness to be with her friend shining through. Jimin nodded and got up, turning to exit the room.

However, Kiara wasn't ready to let them go just yet. She playfully asked, "Hey, where are you going, Jimin?"

Jimin looked back at her, his expression filled with confusion. He didn't quite understand what was happening.

Kiara continued, her mischievous smile growing. "And Y/n, you're not going anywhere with me. Don't you both want to spend some time with each other?"

Jimin's heart skipped a beat, the prospect of spending more time with Y/n brightening his mood. But before he could express his happiness, Kiara teased them further by threatening to stay in the room with them.

Jimin suddenly panicked, stammering, "N-no, no. You can go. W-we can talk a bit, right, Y/n?"

Y/n, a bit perplexed but wanting to spend time with Jimin as well, nodded in agreement. Kiara couldn't help but laugh at their amusing exchange, thoroughly enjoying the cute and unexpected moments they were sharing. With that, she left the room, leaving Jimin and Y/n alone to savor their time together.


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