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As the days turned into weeks, Jimin and Y/n found solace in their daily conversations. Even amidst Y/n's exam preparations, they managed to steal a few precious minutes to connect, sharing snippets of their day, offering support, and, most importantly, growing closer.

Jimin became Y/n's virtual cheerleader during the stressful exam period. His encouraging words and playful banter became a source of motivation, turning the mundane study routine into a delightful interlude. Y/n, in turn, reciprocated the care, asking about Jimin's day and ensuring he was taking breaks from his hectic schedule.

Their connection wasn't just about the exchange of words; it was a silent understanding, a shared comfort that transcended the miles between them. The more they spoke, the deeper their attachment grew. It was as if each conversation added another layer to the bond they were building.

In those stolen minutes, they learned about each other's dreams, fears, and aspirations. Jimin shared his passion for music, and his dreams of creating something meaningful, and Y/n spoke of her journey as a student, the challenges she faced, and the goals she aimed to achieve.

The simple act of caring for each other became a ritual that neither wanted to break. They became each other's confidantes, sharing not just the highlights but also the mundane details of their lives. A shared joke, a comforting word, or even the silence they sometimes shared spoke volumes about the connection they were nurturing.

As Y/n's exams reached their peak, Jimin's virtual presence became her anchor. He celebrated her victories, no matter how small, and offered words of encouragement during moments of self-doubt. The distance between them seemed to fade as their hearts connected through the digital waves.

It wasn't just about the exams; it was about two souls discovering a profound attachment that seemed to defy the constraints of time and space. Every conversation, no matter how brief, was a testament to the growing affection they held for each other. Little did they know that these daily exchanges were laying the foundation for something beautiful, something that would redefine their lives in ways they hadn't imagined.


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