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The unexpected knock on the door disrupted the cozy moment between Y/n and Jimin. They exchanged a brief, surprised glance before Y/n moved to answer the door. As she opened it, Taehyung's voice boomed through the entrance.

Taehyung: Y/n, come on! Both your parents and Jimin's parents are here.

Y/n: (muttering) Seriously, Tae?

Taehyung: (grinning) Yes, seriously! And tell Jimin to join us too.

Y/n shot a slightly embarrassed look at Jimin, who chuckled at the situation. Taehyung's teasing was something they had grown used to.

Y/n: (whispering to Jimin) Let's not keep them waiting.

Jimin nodded, and they made their way downstairs, trying to compose themselves before facing their parents

As Y/n and Jimin descended the stairs, Mrs. Park, Jimin's mom, called Y/n over with a warm smile.

Mrs. Park: Y/n, dear, come here.

Y/n: (approaching) Yes, Mrs. Park?

Mrs. Park: How are you, sweetheart? I hope you're feeling better.

Y/n: (smiling) Much better, thank you.

Y/n's mom, who was standing nearby, overheard the conversation and decided to join in.

Y/n's Mom: Oh, by the way, congratulations, Jimin!

Y/n looked at her mom with a puzzled expression.

Y/n: Congratulations! For what?

Mrs. Park: (excitedly) Jimin got a job in Bangalore!

Y/n's eyes widened, and she turned to Jimin for confirmation.

Y/n: (surprised) Bangalore? When did this happen?

Jimin: (smiling) I wanted to surprise you. I got the offer recently, and I've been contemplating it. Thought today would be the perfect day to share the news.

Y/n felt a mix of emotions – surprise, excitement, and a tinge of uncertainty. She hadn't anticipated such significant news on a day already filled with family introductions.

Y/n: (grinning) That's amazing, Jimin! Congratulations!

Jimin: (looking at Y/n & whispering) Thank you, love. I wanted to discuss it with you more, but with everything going on, I thought...

Y/n: (whispered) No, it's wonderful news. I'm just surprised. We can talk about it later.

Just as Y/n was absorbing this information, Mrs. Park dropped another bombshell.

Mrs. Park: (grinning) With Jimin securing his job, and Y/n passing her finals, how about we start planning for the wedding?

Y/n's eyes widened, and she exchanged a surprised glance with Jimin.

Jimin's mom looked at Y/n with a kind smile, genuinely interested in her thoughts.

Mrs. Park: Y/n, dear, what do you think about starting the wedding preparations soon?

Before Y/n could respond, Jimin enthusiastically interjected.

Jimin: Yes, Mom, she's absolutely fine with it. We're both excited.

Mrs. Park, sensing the abruptness, gave Jimin a stern look.

Mrs. Park: Jimin, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I was asking Y/n.

Jimin: (sheepishly) Oh, right. Sorry, Mom.

Y/n's mom: (kindly) No need to apologize, Jimin. Y/n, we want to hear your thoughts.

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