(Pt.3) How to cheat a cheater

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Guys forget summer depression, winter depression got me too. Dajumn bro.

Anywayyyyyyyyyys there might be suggestive topics (Killer remembering that night like the whore she is /j) so yeah. Mwa.

Btw from now on (in my other books too) I won't do any more POVs since I always do narrator's POV anyways.


Although the office building already seemed huge from the outside, the inside felt like a maze to Killer. Nightmare noticed her puzzled expression as they passed several more offices and had to smile. "Don't worry, you likely won't have to visit most of these parts. Pretty certain that the most important route you'll have to know is to the cafeteria.", he joked, waving her to follow him. Killer chuckled quietly and hurried after him, having to take fast steps to keep up him.

Once Nightmare was finished showing his new assistant around, he checked his phone to see it was almost noon. "Hm.. alright, I think we're done here. You're free for a while, I'll have someone walk you through your line of work around 1pm, since I have a meeting pretty soon and won't be able to do that myself. Feel free to explore further.", he murmured tiredly and Killer nodded enthusiastically. Just as he was turning to leave, he added one more thing: "Oh, I almost forgot to mention, you're one of the few people who have access to my office at all times, so if someone gives you shit for it, just remind them of your higher position." She nodded again, this time more timidly.

After having went the same path to Nightmare's office and from his office to the cafeteria about three times so she wouldn't get lost again, Killer settled in a seat in the sun, drinking her latte peacefully.
,How did I get myself in this mess? Now I have to look at him nearly every day of the week, knowing things I really shouldn't.. For fuck's sake, I've seen him practically naked! Though I muust admit, I'd give anything just to see him shirtless again..'

But something bothered Killer way more than she'd like to admit to herself. Not that Nightmare cheated on his girlfriend that also seems to stick around here often, oh no. It was the fact that the night they spent together felt more wanted and not to mention way better than all the nights she had spent with her ex while they dated. It was incredible really, how such a big guy could be so rough yet so.. tender, loving almost.

While he left bites all over her body, his hands caressed her sides carefully. Not a single moment felt like she had to obey him. She wanted to. Each time she would whine, his eyes danced up to meet hers, as if to check if she were in pain. That wasn't the case, not a single time. Just as her mind was wandering into critical territory, she perceived somebody sitting in the chair across from her. She snapped out of it and shook herself awake.

"Killer was it, right?", whispered Cassandra as she pu down a Starbucks cup on the table. Killer cleared her throat before she answered. "Uh- yes, I'm sorry, I was in thought there for a moment. And you're Cassandra, right? Nightmare's girlfriend?" Killer wasn't sure whether she imagined it, but she could've sworn she saw one of her eyes twitch in annoyance when she said that. "Ah. Yes. I see you two are on a first name basis?", "Uh.. it appears so, yes."
She felt a little nervous as Cassandra's glowing blue eyes scanned her.

She scoffed and moved forward. "See, I'm supposed to walk you through your work, but my baby actually told you everything you need to know already. Instead, I'd like to have a talk with you.", "Um- of course-" For some reason, Killer knew exactly what it was about Cassandra that made Nightmare so annoyed.

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