How to parent. (MY killermare family)

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I got reminded of this story existing randomly- welp here I am, alive. 

Once again I am asking you to keep in mind killer is female and this is my multiverse, thank yeewww~

Noone's POV:

"KILLER HELP- FUCK-" a loud thump followed. Killer rushed downstairs, a little panicked. She stopped at the last bit of the stairs, hearing a child giggling. Her blank stare was stuck to Nightmare, who was lying on his back, in pain, holding the small Crescent. "...what the fuck happened-", "THE LITTLE SHIT TRIED WALKING DOWNSTAIRS AND I TOLD HIM NOT TO-", he takes a big breath, "AND HE STILL DID AND ALL I SAW WAS HIM FALLING AND I GRABBED HIM AND NOW MY BACK IS DEAD."

Killer was just stood there for a moment. She then laughed a bit, taking Crescent off his father. Nightmare groaned deeply. "My back was already fucked up enough-", he took killer's free hand she offered and pulled himself up. "You alright there baby?", "Meh, I'll live. But YOU." Nightmare grabs Crescent's head in a playful, gentle way. "You little shit, I told you not to.", but obviously the little boy didn't understand him and just giggled again. Killer chuckled. "Not easy to do it yourself now is it?", "Okay, fuck you." He answered his laughing wife, going into the kitchen. Killer held crescent in her left arm, following Nightmare.

Nightmare was drinking a fresh coffee Killer had made him earlier, leaning on the counter. The smaller skeleton hugged the taller from behind, putting their son safely onto the counter. Nightmare sighed deeply. "Kid's really a handfull... Your genes you bitchass", "obviously mine, wanna tell me they're yours?" That made Nightmare laugh a little. She had a point there, while Killer was a very energetic little kid in her heart, Nightmare was more mature than the entire group of bad sanses together. Well, maybe Dust excluded. 

Speaking of the devil, Dust came into the kitchen, followed by the very sleepy Horror. "The fuck fell?", "My jacket" Nightmare answers not looking at the hooded other. "What- your jacket isn't that loud boss-", "I was in it." Silence followed. Horror wheezed softly. "Did you fall?", "Like shit I did, my son almost did and better me than him." The small baby cooed but weirdly not from the counter. Crescent managed to get in the other corner of the room-?! The four adults looked at him with big eyes. Nightmare leaned both arms onto the counter, sobbing into them. "I CANT DO THIS ANYMORE, THIS CHILD IS DRAINING ME." Horror picked up the tiny skeleton who happily leaned into him. 

Killer was very confused though. "how... how did-??", "He randomly started teleporting in the middle of the night and kept me awake all. night. long." Dust started laughing heavily. "That's what you get for fucking my sister bitch" Nightmare's respond was a simple middle finger towards dust as he sat onto the counter with his black, steaming coffee. 

The weeks passed and Crescent drained the energy from one after another. Killer was the only one who had him under control but as soon as she was gone, Crescent was too. Nightmare had enough. One morning he grabbed the baby, gave him a cookie to chew on and took him to his friend Classic. 
Elys, Frisk and Sans' child, (you can ignore this part if you dislike frans, fight me otherwise.)  was playing with Crescent as Nightmare explained his situation. Classic was confused: "wait- why does he teleport already?" "Classic. I have no fucking idea alright? I just need you to help me, he's driving all of us crazy." Classic raised an eyebrow. "I am aware we already are, but seriously", Classic chuckled a bit at that. "Alright, give me one moment, make sure they don't do shit", he said, teleporting the true lab. Nightmare did not move nor take his eyes off the two kids.

Classic came back a moment later and handed him a small bracelet. "Magic blocker.", he explained and pressed it into his hand. "Does it hurt him-?", "Of course not, my name's not Gaster." Gaster appeared out of nowhere. "☼︎🕆︎👎︎☜︎", "go away dad" And as soon as he was there, he was gone again. Nightmare was too tired to question it. He carefully picked up his son and let the magic blocker glide onto the little skeleton's wrist and automatically tighten. "Just call me if you need anything, I ain't got getter to do either way, heh", "Will do. Thanks again Classic" And with that the boys were gone.

That night everybody could sleep peacefully again for once. Nightmare cancelled all the missions the boys would have had the next day as he himself wanted to sleep out for once too. 

~The next morning~

As Killer woke up, she was surprised to see both her son and husband still sleeping. Well, less surprised with Nightmare than with Crescent. It was a very peaceful morning so Killer decided to just lay back down and continue sleeping aswell, her forehead rested against Nightmare's and an arm around Crescent, who was calmly sleeping in between them.


848 words

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