𝟎𝟑𝟖 ― candy floss

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THE NEWS isn't taken well

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THE NEWS isn't taken well.

"What are you talking about?" Soap questions as he sits down beside her on the bed. "Makarov is in prison."

Ellie shakes her head. "He was there. I ran into him in the hallway."

"No," Price says quietly, starting to pace in the room. "It wasn't him. You're mistaken."

"I know what I saw, Price," she retorts. "He..."

She trails off, not wanting to admit how close he held her. She got a good look at him. Ellie knows it was him.

"He what?" Ghost asks, his face contorted in anger.

"I literally ran into him while I was coming out of the bathroom. He... he caught me." She sighs after she tells them. "He had the same tattoos. Same eyes. Same face. He spoke to me in Russian."

"What?! What did he say?" Soap asks, rising to his feet.

Price gets out his cell phone and excuses himself to the other room, shutting the door angrily. Gaz follows him. Ellie looks at Ghost with a desperate expression.

"Is he mad at me?"

He shakes his head. "No, he's worried. We weren't informed of an escape and now that you've come into contact with him, you could be a target." He pulls out the desk chair in front of her, leaning in close. "I want excruciating details of what happened."

She goes over their interaction, Ghost's muscles tensing when she talks about how he touched her and spoke to her. The pet name he called her. She hates it's making him so uncomfortable but that's how she felt. 

Price comes back into the room. He looks at Ghost and Ellie. "Get in uniform. We need to leave. Laswell is working on gathering what she can."

Ellie grabs her things, rushes to the bathroom, and strips off her dress and jewelry. Once she's in her uniform she washes off any makeup she was wearing. It was already starting to smear. She was sweaty inside the club. Now that the makeup is off she looks less disheveled. However, she has some dark circles under her eyes. Not the best day for her looks-wise. She throws her hair into a quick ponytail.

When she exits the bathrooms, the boys are waiting for her. Ellie grabs her duffle bag and follows them out of the hotel room. It's tense. She can tell how the news of Makarov is affecting them. They get to the car and Price pulls Ellie to the side. She can feel Ghost's eyes on them.

"Are you upset with me?" Ellie asks him, mouth going dry.

Price shakes his head. "Of course not. I just want you to be sure of what you saw..." he pauses before speaking again. "You're positive it was him?"

𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐀𝐍𝐓 ―  simon rileyWhere stories live. Discover now